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Greetings folks

This is the running update from the Executive Director. Have questions or comments? Suggest some added information or edits? Contact the ED


November marked another 'full-on' month for Kantara, which for me meant four appearances and presentations spanning north America and Europe.   

My We've made it!

As @katrynadow tweeted, "And that's a wrap on 2016"  (adding a lovely pic of the Sydney Harbour bridge and Opera House silhouletted against a backdrop of fireworks) there are no better words to offer.  

As I write this, our members, friends and partners in Australia and New Zealand have already seen in the New Year, but are likely still celebrating (smile).

It's been a transformational year for Kantara, bringing its own challenges that together, we have all risen to and overcome.  When I go back in time 12 months to when the Board made the unprecented decision to self incorporate as a separate organization, replace its service management company, and initiate the transition of Exec Director - all in its December 2015 meeting - the enormity of it looked ... well... scary!    

Then when you add the historic ructions in the political landscape and the appauling events brought on by war, terror and natural disaster, there's a valid case to be thankful to see the last of 2016, so we can focus on doing our part in making 2017 memorabe for all the right reasons.

In the world of identity we have been witness to the rise and rise of Blockchain that might or might not herald a new dimension to counterbalance the rise and rise of identity theft and hacking on a scale hitherto unseen, with no target immune.

And in the world of privacy and personal data, our electronic connectedness sees a global rippling effect on us as the EU prepares for the enforcement of GDPR and the introduction of eID.    

XXXXBut we have come through it, strongerMy November in began in Washington DC, as I made my way back from IIW in California.  I took the opportunity to catch up with NATE Nbrought ATE and EHNAC, our Liaison organizations in the Health arena, having had a remote call with DirectTrust a few months ago, and we explored options optifor Kantaraons to reinvigorate the Health Identity Assurance Working Group. I also spent an interesting hour with Joel Minton of to better understand the work going on there, sharing some of my personal experiences from New Zealand's RealMe (which bears a strong resemblance to, and how industry could assist going forward.  


  • Kantara and EEMA the European Association for e-identity and Security, signed a Memorandum of Understanding Paris on November 15th. The MOU aims to facilitate collaboration between the two organizations in Europe combining EEMA's network of relationships with Kantara's programs and innovation development platforms.    

New Activities:

  • The Board and several Leadership Council Chairs have commenced 'Tiger Team' meetings to re-craft the organization's strategy for 2017.  The teams cover the organization's Mission, Activities and Membership. We expect to be report out on the results of this work late February. It is a time consuming but immensely valuable exercise which is bringing forward some really innovative ideas. I look forward to sharing them with you.  

New Members: Kantara welcomes new member Andi Hindle and Eli Fisk. Great to have you aboard Andi and Eli! 


  • Stand by for a short end-of-year satisfaction survey of members.  All we do, we do for you. So please take a little time to complete the survey to tell us we have things right or where we can improve.  

Program, Work Group and Discussion Group Updates:

  • The WGs and DGs of Leadership Council now operate a blog, so you can read what's going on in groups you are not regularly attending. See it here
  • ID Pro DG has split deliverables into 4 project streams: Body Of Knowledge, Governance, Membership and Services, and Code of Practice. ID Pro is aiming to open the DG to further membership in late February once this phase of pre-formation is complete. 
  • As always if you have a query or question, staff are only to willing to assist.  Email them on        
