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Apr 15, 2015


Date and Time


  1. Roll Call
    1. Nicole Domkiw
    2. Pete Palmer
    3. Ken Dagg
    4. Collin Wallis
    5. Ingo Friese
    6. Mark Lizar

Quorum met

  1. Approve Minutes: TBD
    1. 3 sets of minutes to approve on next call
  2. Administration:
    1. Action Item Review
    2. Executive Director Report - see Executive Director's Corner
    3. WG Quarterly Report Planning
    4. Update on Closing Meta Model and Business Cases Workgroups
      1. Follow up with Marissa
  3. Voting
  1. Social Media Policy
    1. All custom work group and discussion group logos need to be approved by the LC before being made public
    2. Pete made a motion to approve Social Media Policy as is with the addition of the above line
    3. IAWG seconds
    4. No objections- hearing no objections. Social Media Policy is passes
  2. Notification of Operating Procedures: All Member Ballot
  3. Operationalizing the Kantara themes of Trusted Services and Connected Life through virtual webinars
    1. Joni-
  1. Discussion Items
  1. Marketing Updates

1.       Dates for future KI events

2.       Marketing and Outreach

  1. WG Updates
    1. HIAWG- meeting again next week
    2. EGOV– have not met since last call
    3. IAWG- starting this week with back to weekly call will be addressing RFI
    4. CISWG- send-receipts discussion- funding obtained to work on spec and funding for DOT for receipt generator. Working toward v1- Minimal Viable Consent Receipt. UMA is ready for funding from the Board of Trustees for reference implementation coding.
    5. Identity of things WG- Biweekly conferences- recently discussed first draft of paper of identity of things.
  2. BoT Liaison Representative Update
  1. Status of current representatives and the update on the voting schedule
    1. No update
  1. AOB
    1. None
  2. Adjourn
    1. Motion to end the call made by Mark, Collin seconds the motion


  • Mark






