Versions Compared


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  1. Administration:

  2.  Discussion:  

  3. Any Other Business

Meeting Notes 


IAWG Chair Andrew Hughes called the meeting to order.  Roll was called. Meeting was quorate.


The group continued to work through issues raised from ARB, assessors, etc that must be resolved. Notes are in the document as well.

63A#0490 - #0580

Jimmy recapped why we are revisiting the applicability of these criteria at IAL2.


Andrew called for objections to the plan moving forward. Yehoshua voiced a quasi objection - to the extent they are watered down, they are captured in different criteria within the SoCA. The rest of the criteria does not preclude the use of supervision. There’s nothing less rigorous about supervision that should necessitate a new set of criteria. We will continue to discuss this in the upcoming meetings now that we have an agreed plan moving forward. As a reminder, all of these changes will go out for public comment prior to publication.


Lynzie explained the update to this criteria - that it is not actually applicable to identity proofing, but rather authentication. The group as a whole seemed agreeable to this update. Richard noted that we should update this simply to ‘withdrawn’ rather than ‘no stipulation - not applicable to identity proofing’. Lynzie will make that update.

Jimmy noted that we will need to look through the criteria for any references to these updates and make those updates accordingly. Lynzie will do an overview of the whole 63A SAC to see what also needs edited.

T5-1 Table

Lynzie shared the proposed updates to the T5-1 table. The proposal of referencing the Implementation Resource guide was received well by the group with some updates to the current language. This will remove the burden of addressing every line in table T5-1 - but it does not have any impact on T5-2 or T5-3. Those remain unchanged. Yehoshua asked if this will be effective immediately or if they’ll [Notarize] still need to complete the T5-1 table during their assessment process. After discussion, it was decided that though this will be incorporated into the overall updates to the SAC, we could release a notice that this update is effective immediately to help those CSPs currently in the process. Lynzie will raise it with the ARB and draft a notice that can be sent to everyone on the TSL once completed.

Lynzie recapped the issues we still need to address in this revision.
