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  1. Administration:

    • Roll call, determination of quorum

    • Minutes approval 

    • Kantara updates

    • Assurance updates

  2.  Discussion:  

  3. Any Other Business

Meeting Notes 


IAWG Chair Andrew Hughes called the meeting to order.  Roll was called. Meeting was quorate. He welcomed Chris & Zaid, new IAWG voting members.


Jimmy Jung moved to approve the draft minutes from the July 13th IAWG meeting. Mark Hapner seconded the motion. Motion carried with no objections.

Kantara Updates

Andrew informed the group that the Deepfakes DG is up and running. He is arranging the first meeting and will send out a notice - hopefully to meet next week. The goal is to draft a report or two on the nature of the threat, what is real v. what is myth, and potentially a primer on what exactly is going on in the real world. Additionally, include some techniques and counter-measures that customers might want to ask their IDV providers. More information on the group can be found on their wiki page and anyone can join the group by completing the Kantara Group Participation Agreement.

The Board is continuing with regular activities. Initiatives started around review of Kantara governance structures, member engagement/recruiting, and the DEIA survey and sub-committee.

Lynzie shared that the Survey Monkey results for the time of this meeting has been inconclusive - so if you have an opinion on the time of the meeting and you are a voting member of the IAWG, please vote.

Assurance Updates

NIST held a meeting last week to talk about next steps regarding revision 4. During the meeting it was shared that 63A, 63C and the Base Volume would all likely be released for a second round of public comment in 2024 Q1. 63B received several comments but nothing that NIST felt warranted another round of public comment. 2024 Q2 is the absolute earliest we can expect revision 4 to be officially published, leading to a 2025 implementation date for feds.

800-63-3 Criteria Issues

The group continued to work through issues raised from ARB, assessors, etc that must be resolved. Notes are in the document as well.

63A#0490 - #0580

T5-1 Table

Any Other Business
