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Status of Minutes


Approved at: 2019-12-12 Meeting notes (CR) DRAFT



  • Jim Pasquale
  • Andrew Hughes
  • Mark Lizar
  • Oscar Santolalla
  • Lisa LeVasseur
  • John Wunderlich


  • S. Deepthi
  • Vrinda Shaji
  • Colin Wallis
  • Crt Ahlin
  • Sneha Ved
  • Kate Downing



Quorum Status

Meeting was quorate

Voting participants

Participant Roster (2016) - As of 2019-05-15 quorum is 6 of 11

(Voting participants are: Iain Henderson, Mary Hodder, Mark Lizar, Jim Pasquale (C), John Wunderlich (VC), Andrew Hughes (VC), Oscar Santolalla, Richard Gomer, Paul Knowles, Lisa LeVasseur, James Aschberger)

Discussion Items





4 mins
  • Roll call
  • Agenda bashing
  • Please remember to update your entry on the Consent Receipts Implementations Page - this is a major landing point for external viewers and raises awareness of the CIS WG work and your product too
  • Update on Charter refresh work
  • AOB
  • Discuss next steps for receipt specification 
10 min
  • Organization updates

Please review these blogs offline for current status on Kantara and all the DG/WG:

There is a wiki page that will hold all the known implementations of Consent Receipts - Please update the page or inform Jim, or John, or Andrew of your implementation.

  • MyData, Helsinki, September
5 minNews about new implementationsAll

This is a new standing agenda item where we can hear about new implementations of receipts.

  • Jan Lindquist (Dativa) has created a Hyperledger Indy system that includes data sharing receipts using either identified or anonymous proofs of consent. This is kinda groundbreaking work and is a very interesting contrast to other ways of perceiving the role of 'proof' in the system.
  • MOTION: Secretary to schedule a time on a future call for Jan to demonstrate the prototype.
  • Moved: Jim
  • Second: Lisa
  • Discussion: None
  • Motion carried
  • MOTION: To schedule a presentation from Harsh on the W3C Data Privacy Vocabulary community group report - on July 18 2019 call.
  • Moved: Mark
  • Second: Lisa
  • Discussion: Relevance and importance to the work of this group is clear - good opportunity to learn.
  • Motion carried
15 minProcessing feature requests for specification workJim
  • The WG should jointly work on a reference use case to frame up the discussions for next specification enhancement
  • There are other known projects that are dependent on the Kantara specification but this WG does not have a listing of these impacted projects. This list might be well suited to be added to the 'implementations' page.
  • ACTION: Mark to create a list of projects that rely on the Kantara Consent Receipt Specification v1.1 who need to be aware of changes to the Kantara specification.
  • There is an existing backlog of features and bugs left over from v1.1 that need to be addressed
    • Suggestion to pick up the items from the old github repository and create representative github issues in the repository
    • Suggestion to clean up the items in the old github repository in place
  • MOTION: Move that open issues from V1.1 be moved to V-Next to be dealt with by the WG.
  • Moved: John
  • Second: Jim
  • Discussion: 
    • Counterproposal - to work on incorporating the fixes from the outstanding v1.1 items into the current v1.1 spec then taking the remainder forward into
    • Issue is that any changes need to be resolved by the WG
    • Concern raised that new use cases will displace current use cases
    • Mark requests that a call time is reserved to discuss outstanding v1.1 items 
    • The result of processing of the v1.1 items could a) be simple bugfixes; b) result in a v1.2; c) impact future specification releases and should be incorporated into the roadmap.
    • John proposes:
      • Suggest the following for next week's agenda: Reviewing the list and identifying items to be a)discarded/deprecated, b) minor typo/bug/cleanup for 1.1a, c) amendments to 1.2 in line with intent of 1.1 charter and d) roadmap items to be folded into next major release (mapping to the new charter).
  • Motion deferred - quorum was lost - to be concluded on next week's call.
0 minSpecification enhancement project statusJim

0  minDemo status updateall

Recording from Identiverse should be available by end of July. The presentation is now modular with short videos available to show implementations in Kantara Members' products.

0 minSpecification update approach

See a flowchart version of this here:

20 minWG Charter RefreshIain Henderson
  • (2019-06-13) Iain suggests that it is probably time to review and update the Charter
    • ACTION: Iain to lead the review of current version of the WG Charter and bring a draft to the WG for discussion. Iain to inform the WG of how and where to participate.
  • (2019-07-04) Iain sends his regrets (Iain may be heading into vacation - will check)
    • Continue to send your comments and information about the WG charter to Iain
    • Jim summarized some of the discussion about how information sharing, consent, receipts and future framing of the work 
    • Andrew suggests that structuring the charter to support the idea of having distinct projects to run simultaneously has been asked for by many in the WG for a long time. To avoid 'single-tracking' the WG work and allow individuals to lead important work without being blocked by others' priorities.
    • ACTION: Jim, Andrew and John to work with Iain to assist with charter structuring and work management shaping.
    • Lisa notes that the presentation about the evolution of consent will be useful input into the charter work
5 minAOB
  •  Jim - an item arose on another Organization's WG
    • Reminder to the WG:
    • Do not forward private conversations into the public sphere without consent and awareness of all parties in the private conversation. This is not acceptable behaviour.
  • Please remember that the work on the Charter renewal should be directed through Iain Henderson as the assigned leader. 

Next meeting

*** Next call 2019-07-18 10:30 am Eastern DAYLIGHT Time

John moves adjournment; Mark seconds. Meeting adjourned
