Status of Minutes
Approved at: <<Insert link to minutes showing approval>>
- Andrew Hughes
- Jim Pasquale
- Oscar Santolalla
- Mark Lizar
- Mary Hodder
- Jan Lindquist
- Pierra Roberge
- David Turner
- Keith Uber
- Julie Maas
- Tom Jones
- Sal D'Agostino
Quorum Status
Meeting was <<<>>> quorate
Voting participants
Participant Roster (2016) - Quorum is 6 of 10 as of 2019-03-20
Iain Henderson, Mary Hodder, Mark Lizar, Jim Pasquale (C), John Wunderlich (VC), Andrew Hughes (VC), Oscar Santolalla, Richard Gomer, Paul Knowles, Lisa LeVasseur
Discussion Items
Time | Item | Who | Notes |
4 mins | | | - Deferred: Status: Wiki refresh work
- Deferred: Status: Distribution-version of slide deck describing the work here (consent receipt today → personal data processing receipt tomorrow - or whatever we decide)
- ISO 29184 contribution status
- Jan to give an update on the IHAN Consent workshop from last week
- Demo status update
Welcome Pierre Roberge! - Based in Toronto - 25 years working on financial services, FinTech, working on Digital ID and Fintech, co-founder of SecureKey advisor to Fintech cluster at Mars (innovation hub)
5 min | | All | Please review these blogs offline for current status on Kantara and all the DG/WG: There is a wiki page that will hold all the known implementations of Consent Receipts - Please update the page or inform Jim, or John, or Andrew of your implementation. - EIC, Munich, May
- Identiverse, Washington, June
- MyData, Helsinki, September
10 min | IHAN Consent Workshop update | Jan L | - SITRA (Finland) - launching the IHAN project
- Workshop on developing consent architecture and specification
- Represented Dativa - presented on Hyperledger consent flow work and data overlays
- Interesting debates - 'what is needed in the future for consent & how does IHAN connect'
- In the audience - there's a split between just the specification and also the consent management practices piece.
- Someone working with DNA - recounted how to 'donate' data for research.
- Andrew described the project at UBC that is doing this
- Discussed different technologies for managing 'consent' - cookies, OAuth, others
- Jan - privacy concerns about what is specifically stored on ledger etc
- Also thinking about how parties can communicate about GDPR Rights and excercising them - anonymously
10 min | Product roadmap for the demo | All | Here's the project page for the "Demo v2" 2019-03-28 call notes: - Ubisecure
- Oscar sent an email to the ist about how to pass the v1.1 receipts to the dashboard/receiver service
- Simple flows - a mechanism - for the end-user
- This would allow direct receipt transfers insted of 'faking it' via the Downloads folder
====== Go to the demo v2 page for the breakdown of roles and functions for 2019-02-21 call ======= 2019-03-14 notes - Andrew gave a recap of the Demo development status
- Right now we are missing the 'dashboard/control panel' functionality
- A few options to move forward: a) hack a fake dashboard UI, b) create a digi.me '3rd party app' acting as a CR gateway, c) digi.me new feature to allow 'self-certified' receipts. Jim is working with digi.me product engineering on having c) available
- Sneha working on getting Sphere to export JSON consent receipts and also receive control back from the control panel once the user has chosen an action
2019-03-07 notes - More discussion about roles and responsibilities for demo
- 10 weeks to go until EIC
- Discussion around how to build/implement the control panel part of the demo - challenges in getting a team to get resources to built this part
Andrew's personal opinion on what to highlight: - The fact that giving the person tools necessary for them to keep records (the 'receipts') about their data controller & personal data processing interactions is a new thing in the world
- The ability for the person to take action because they have these records in their possession - the Privacy Control Panel
- The fact that interoperability standards allow many products to work in an 'ecosystem' way
- Even if the audience does not believe that the lawful basis of consent will become a mainstream thing, the person-side record keeping idea is a good one that has broad applicability
Comments: - This opens the door to ongoing management of the relationship by the person with the data controller/other
- The consent receipt is also a Notice
- People have an independent record of the interaction in the receipt
- Have hard receipts gone away because they are viewed as 'too much friction'? Is this dangerous?
Decisions needed: - The specific set of user stories we want to showcase - what is the "Consent Journey" of the person?
- The roles that each product will cover in the demo
Comments (2019-02-14): - Jim spoke to Gavin (CTO) - apps in the digi.me ecosystem are able to signal to the 'right to erasure' API because the 3rd party app knows the person, digi.me knows no people in the system
Comments (2019-02-07): - Jim: all should work on the Export function to allow others apps to view
- Andrew: what are we able to show that tells the audience that there is something new coming to the world - where people can see the receipts and take an action that is recognized and acted on at a data controller.
- The Control Panel idea is powerful
- Maybe the user click transfers control over to the receipt issuer's app
- In digi.me ecosystem there is an app that allows the user to look into their private library
- there are 3rd party apps - these 3rd party apps use the digi.me APIs and issue the Kantara-compliant consent receipts.
- The receipt is shown in the user's digi.me management console
- So, if the user takes an action on that receipt in the digi.me management console, the 3rd party app receives the signal and can act
- digi.me: https://developers.digi.me and https://developers.digi.me/consent-access
- Peter to sketch up a rough sequence
Comments (2019-01-31): - The discrete functions need to be identified
- Receipt issuers should be enrolled in advance (data controller should be known)
- Can we show multiple wallets that hold receipts?
- Should build on the flow of the Demo v1 - person does stuff, gets receipts, sees them, acts on them
- Is the 'wallet' (a.k.a. the receipt storage location) singular or multiple?
- Sphere app can display receipts from their own storage locations
- Digi.me only shows receipts within their system
- Jim is pushing engineering towards the idea that the 'control panel' should be able to work on receipts in other app storage locations
- Passing control over a receipt (to act on a receipt and manage it going forward) to a 3rd party breaks the security concept of digi.me and Sphere's apps
- Exporting a receipt is possible, but action on the exported receipt might require a redirect back into the Sphere app
- This is probably the same with all app ecosystems
- Jan - looking at the topic of using the receipt as a data schema but also using the universal namespace/identifiers (a.k.a. Decentralized Identifiers) to reference the entities and object might allow for broader interoperability
- Peter: we lack the protocols for operations on the receipts themselves - maybe do this in Kantara
- Jan - last week call - Paul and Jan presented on the Hyperledger Indy work for interop
- Remember that we are limited by what exists today - a list of JSON files
- The 'take action' function might be a simple "open URL in the receipt issuer's app"
- Action: Andrew to draw an information flow diagram for discussion for the demo
- Action: ALL - to think about the functionality that your products can do today in light of the "Privacy Control Panel" idea - we will try to do a heat map to try to sort out role assignments and find gaps
10 min | Specification update approach |
| See a flowchart version of this here: https://share.mindmanager.com/#publish/b-DWOcuKGnVY1PXBKXTpL0-DQOeqmZMGfGUAPiC5
2019-03-14 notes: - Mark:
- sent the GDPR extension to the W3C "Data Privacy Vocabulary Community Group" for comment
- building a proposal to split the notice from the 'consent' in the structure
- (note that this is similar to the digi.me proposal)
- Andrew urges all participants to post issues into the github repo for proposed spec changes - so that we can discuss and prioritize them for action
5 min | AOB |
| - Check the mailing list for a discussion about Consent Objects in FHIR - there's a ballot to expire some material that should be of interest to CIS WG
- Mary: User Submitted Terms work
- The engineering work has shifted to IEEE but there is some discussion about bringing it back to Kantara
| Next meeting |
| *** Next call 2019-04-04 10:30 am Eastern DAYLIGHT Time https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/323930725