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XMark Lizar - ; Summary of IntentMary Hodder 
v.02X Mark Lizar & Mary Hodder Stakeholder Analysis  John Wunderlich
v.03 XJohn & Mark: Summary of Compliance ContentsMary Hodder 

Spec Outline: Mark Lizar

PDS Walkthrough: Markus Sabadello

Open Notice CR Demo: Mark Lizar

John Wunderlich  
v.05Next Edit   



Related Documents:


Respect Network (RN) Technical Demo:


This is a specification to create a common format for provisioning consent receipts.   The specification will provide Organisations the ability to create and provision a record of consent which . The requirements are that the record is linked to the minimum notice requirements to verify claims.


The be viable for self asserted compliance. The underlying strategic aim  is to prioritise the  'Fast Track' usability of compliance.

This specification provides a simple audit and compliance scale to show by example how to measure the compliance of the minimum viable consent receipt. 

The MVCR is extensible, by; 1 core notice compliance requirements, 2.Operational Context, 3. Trusted Services

  1. Consent notice requirements can be appended to the MVCR to accommodate different personal data sensitivity, data sharing and additional contextual compliance requirements.  
  2. A context field is a field in the MVCR as there are contextual conditions and exceptions to consent that can be listed and applied by an organisation to the context of receiving consent.  In the MVCR the context is a flag with yes or no, if yes, this means the provider has explicitly stated that they implement the check list of contextual consent requirements.   Additional contexts can also be added to a consent receipt. 
  3. Organisations can append  Trusted Services links/icons to the receipt and further extend the assurance  to  capture multiple consent notice types e.g. cookie, terms of use.  For additional notice delivery context, and, for 



Specification by example (SBE) is a collaborative approach to defining requirements and business-oriented functional tests for software products based on capturing and illustrating requirements using realistic examples instead of abstract statements. It is applied in the context of agile software development methods, in particular behavior-driven development. This approach is particularly successful for managing requirements and functional tests on large-scale projects of significant domain and organisational complexity.[1] (

A key aspect of 'specification by example' is creating a single source of truth about required changes from all perspectives. This latest version specification with this document title is the single source of truth. 


The aim of the specification is to produce a the minimum compliant capable consent receipt that directly links all required policies (open notices) to the consent receipt. 


The Open Notice Initiative is an effort that calls for open consent (   This has resulted in the development of this specification for a Minimum Viable Consent Receipt(MVCR).



  • Minimum Viable Consent Receipt(CR) A Consent Receipt MVCR)

    • Minimum: (in Minimum Viable Consent Receipt) means to include links to all the policies that inform the consent  

    • Viable: (in Minimum Viable Consent Receipt) 

  • Example: Is an MVCR implementation that demonstrates a functional implementation of a consent receipt

  • Consent Receipt (CR) A Consent Receipt -denotes a single record of consent and consent context at point of consent provision

  • Viable: (in Minimum Viable Consent Receipt)

    Trusted Services; A provider of Trust/Privacy Icons, Standard Assurance,  Reputation Services, Trusted Network, Trusted Protocols, 

    Minimum Viable Consent Receipt(MVCR)

  • Minimum: (in Minimum Viable Consent Receipt) means to include links to all the policies that inform the consent  


  • Data Subject(DS)

  • Data Controller(DC) 

  • Operational Context of ConsentConsent is used as an operational identifier of a physical event which is accompanied by a defined notice requirements found in law

Minimum Viable Consent Requirements

The MVCR consists of fields that are used to  linked to the (required-to-be open) consent policy at the point consent is provided and by so doing provide compliance by default.  (as seen in Example1: Personal Cloud Storage of Receipt) 

MVCR enables organization Organizations to self-assert that they are compliant and to provide in an open and reviewable manner their policies.  To achieve a complaint rating a DC provides an audit able self asserted MVCR and agree's/states that they will implement contextual notice requirements listed for the MVCR.  For most online  Most Data Controllers who do not share personal information with 3rd parties and do not collect sensitive personal information compliance will be gain an automatic compliance.  If a DC does share a DS personal information and/or collects a DS sensitive personal information categories,  trust services  trusted service providers can automate higher complaince levels level of compliance and provide a robust compliant by default status for complex consent requirements. 

A MVCR with a complaint status will assure a level of regulatory compliance in a more than compliant mannercompliant manner as it is a digital record that both parties have and inherently more open. The consent receipt should make sense at a glance, be digitally stored, digitally accessible, providing at the minimum a clear way to find the one click to use Data Controller contact,  required address, and  and to get to a purpose(s) to a consentshort notice or trust .  This visual format can then be audit for these data points at a glance, with one click access to all consent related policies by default.

Specification Context is for organisations to provide 

MVCR: Consent Notice Fields


Field NameDescriptionPurpose/ExplanationReason Why This Field is Required

Cloud Receipt Capture & Sign: Format example in (XDI)

Note: following lines all prepended with ([=]!:uuid:1111/[+]!:uuid:9999)

Data Subject

Name or pseudonym of the user at minimum,

Data Subject is primary party to consent

Is the consent contributor and primary party of the consent, (which is why this is the first field of the MVCR)

if not signed by Data Subject then its use post consent may be limited.

Data Subject: Alice [=]!:uuid:1111

Address (and jurisdiction) of Data Controller

Name of the entity issuing the receipt

Should be the entity/organization that is in control of the personal data and is responsible for consent compliance.Is the Data Controller and is the primary party responsible for administration of the consent

Data Controller: Amazon [+]!:uuid:9999

PurposeThe purposes for which the personal information is being collected.this is a single purpose at minimum linked to the short purpose notice, or policy of purpose.

A purpose notice is a basic and common legal requirement and functionally a requirement of consent.

[#receipt]!:uuid:1234[<#purpose>]<@0>&/&/"We need to process your payment."

[#receipt]!:uuid:1234[<#purpose>]<@1>&/&/"We  need your data to prevent fraud."

[#receipt]!:uuid:1234[<#purpose>]<@2>&/&/"We will advertise to you."

Location of Consent

The location of the consent provision. from which the consent receipt originates.(For example the web page with the consent button. )

This indicates the 'point of consent' - hopefully a button where the user clicked "I agree" or "I consent" (i.e. the biggest lie)

Can be a URI, URL, URN, 

This can also be a physical space where surveillance legal notice requirements exist (EU) - Global Positioning System (GPS)



Sensitive Personal Data Flag (Y/N)Flag to categorise the information collected as sensitive or not (Y/N)Each jurisdiction has classifications of sensitive personal information: The generally include health, financial, Child Protection, Religious, Union categorisations

If Yes, then additional notice requirements are needed to confirm its compliance status.

If No, then the consent is automatically compliant


Third Party Sharing

Flag whether data is shared with third parties. (Y/N)

If true, then compliance is dependent upon additional notice requirements not present in a MVCR. This can be addressed with the "Third Party Sharing" extension.

If Yes, then additional notice requirements are needed to confirm its compliance status.

If No, then the consent is automatically compliant


TimestampWhen consent was obtainedTo record when the user, either by implication or explicity, granted consent for the purposes described. [#receipt]!:uuid:1234<$t>&/&/"2014-07-13T21:32:52"
Privacy PolicyThe issuing entity's privacy policy (either inline copy, or reference to URI)If not available, should provide a notice that it is missingIs the minmum Policy (or short notice) Needed to create a consent receipt.

[#receipt]!:uuid:1234<#privacy><#policy>&/&/"copy of privacy policy here"




ContextFlag wether the Operational Requirements are present or not. (Y/N/Unknown)For the presentation of consent there are contextual and prescriptive requirements in legislation, a check list of these elements is being crated in this draft below. (this list is living draft )

Consent has contextual compliance requirements for the notice to be sufficent. These depend on the location of the consent and data subject.

An organisation can agree to add address this list when implementing the consent receipt.




Directive 95/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 October 1995

Online Consent

To provide notice at point of consent the consequences of not provisioning consent

Online ConsentTo indicate what is required and optional information to provide for consentXX  
Physical ConsentSign posted upon entry to physical space    

Extensions for the MVCR

Open Consent Notice Extensions 




Extensions for the MVCR

An extension can be appended to the MVCR to strengthen the compliance of a consent receipt,

Extension Types

  • core extension
  • Operational Context Extensions (OCE)
  • Trusted Services - Trust Framework Extensions

Core Extensions

In each jurisdiction there are sensitive types of personal information found in privacy and data protection law.  Each sensitive type corresponds to a jurisdiction, is defined by an industry of existing assurance and a community of trusted services.   These can be layered on to of the MVCR to meet requirements from multiple jurisdictions and industries and context.These extensions also enable , and has prescribed context requirements for the use of a notice.  Core extensions can be added to the MVCR to meet more complex notice requirements and meet the requirements of multiple regulatory jurisdictions.  .

Core extensions can be used by policy makers to localise the use of consent notices by jurisdiction. An extension can be written to strengthen the compliance of a consent receipt, to operational contexts

Trusted Services

3rd party trusted services can also be used to extend the compliance or trust inherent to corporate process and these can be added in the form of linked Icons to the consent receipta MVCR.


MVCR Proposed Extensions Table (in progress)


 These These are the extensions tables.  This is an active list of extensions being planned and/or developed  need to include the name of the filed, have a description, context, benefit, and examples.

The various table currently include. 

Extension TypeField NameDescriptionInstructionsLegal Requirement (this item must be listed on LR table)


(this item must be listed in the Operational Requirements table)

(usability/Interoperability Benefit) XDI Example
CoreJurisdictionThe jurisdictions of the parties: the data protection authority is mandatory.
  • this is taken from the data controller address and the location of the consent.
  • optional the jurisdiction of for the data subject can be added with the consent of the data subject and if the receipt is stored directly in a personal data store.
  Usability: enables receipt to be used as evidence or for the purpose of legal data controls out of context of the consent event.


3rd Party
CoreSensitive Data      
Core3rd Party Trusted Services Extension (this is the functionality for Registry)ability to add trusted services to the minimum viable consent receipt        
    Consent Receipt Request ExtensionThis is a button a user can press to request a consent receipt from a business
  • scrape consent session and send request to MVCR DC Contact field for a reciept (byproviding a form)
  • hypothetical: if an org responds with all of the information they automatically get an above compliant rating
This is for all contexts of the MVCRUsability 
corePolicy Extension for Consent Cookie Policy LinkThe issuing entity's cookie policy Link (either inline copy, or reference to URI)If not available, should provide a notice that it is missing or self assert an icon Legally in the EU a cookie requires explicit assent



[#receipt]!:uuid:1234<#cookie><#policy>&/&/"copy of cookie policy here"



corePolicy Extension for Terms of Service LinkThe issuing entity's terms of service (either inline copy, or reference to URI)If not available, should provide a notice that it is missing Legally Terms need to be open and accessible in order to be fair and reasonable.



[#receipt]!:uuid:1234<#tos>&/&/"copy of tos here ..."




Policy Extension    


  • Categories of personal data shared & (or)
  • Name of third party shared with
  • Purpose of sharing
  • Link to third party CR & Policies

Trusted Services

Trusted services/networks and frameworks, can be used to meet or exceed notice(and therefore consent) legal requirements. Or to address the need for assurance and trust for people so that consent and its management can be automated and more usable.


Amazon Respect Use Case: With the Respect Network and Open Notice
(Note: Amazon Respect is a Fictitious organisation used here only as an example) 


Implementation of consent receipt which is signed & created by a DC and stored in a personal Cloud. 



Each field on the MVCR contains legal notice requirements, each of these components are listed in and the presence of these are counted and a flag is added to record if any of these self asserted claims have been disputed and not resolved.  


The MVCR has a maximum rating of compliant.   Additional Ratings are possible with extensions. 


Notice Compliance Checklist

Non Compliant

Partially Compliant


Above Compliant

TrustedUser Managed

Contact of DC






Address of DC












Sensitive Data (If NO)






Share with 3rd Party (If No)





Any of the above self asserted is
Disputed or un verifiable (Y/N Flag) (If No)
( if Yes and unresolved = Non-Compliant)


MVCR Compliance Scale





Summary of Benefits to MVCR

  1. Transparency: The MVCR receipt is a common format for the legally required  policies which provide notice.   links to all notices and demonstrate a much higher level of minimum viable notice (for consent) legal compliance.  This standard is intended to augment the existing legal notice and consent infrastructures that is already in place and reward greater transparency of consent. .  
  2. Extensible: The MVCR Spec is intended to be easily extensible and auditable, with a jurisdicitional legal compliance audit built in for making transparent legal context and controls of a consent transaction.  Meaning that consent legal notice requirements are different by jurisdictions, industry, for various sensitive data types, for sharing to 3rd parties, tracking (cookie consents), in additional to personal and contextual consent preferences of the individual.  Extensions are notice requirements layered onto this MVCR format to meet and match legal requirements and trust frameworks to address cross jurisdictional management of consent.
  3. Trusted Services Vehicle: A receipt passed to the service user at time of consent provides a legal trust framework to build upon.  As a result it is  the MVCR  is intended as a vehicle for delivering trusted services to the individual. A stakeholder can utilise trust services, which are then linked to the receipt, which further extend the compliance and "fast track" usability of consent and identity management by using a spec compliant receipt. Eg.privacy icons, TOS reputation, certifications, trusted networks, and protocols 
  4. MVC is intended to be an all purpose consent process enhancement. 
  5. This MVCR specification is intended to be used so any organisation can implement the spec and provide a MVCR.