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*** This is in the process of being updated to include and reference the MVCR which replaces and updates a great deal of this specification *** 

Open Consent Notice & Trusted Services Registry

Specification to include:

  1. Organisations to register consent notices to distribute a: 
    1. Reciept
    2. Sign
  2. For Trusted Services to enrol with the registry so trusted services can be selected by organisations enrolled in the registry
  3. for an assessment of trusted services and components



It may be easiest to edit the incomplete links in the template text below in "wiki markup" mode.


A receipt can also be used as a tool for governance, for instance, the Tax authorities can use a commercial receipt to check and see if the sales are hidden, the purchaser can use a receipt to be sure of the cost of goods and compare the change provided against the price advertised or currency provided to make sure of compliance.  


 Specify the existing fields for a consent transaction receipt and list them as a basic template for consent receipts. (Note: This entails formally defined attributes, published and open for comment.)


  1. Pre-Consent
    1. a website form for a company to generate a legal.txt file
    2. Publishing legal.txt
    3. An embed code is created for company to put behind their consent buttons on the website
  2. Consent
    1. A service user selects the consent '+ receipt' option to collect a receipt
      1. The id used by the service user to provision consent is used to send the receipt. 
        1. With no pre arranged application, a modal box will appear  asking for selection of identifier to use with the receipt
          1. this could be social login, email, etc
        2. the receipt is then accepted and stored by the digital identity being used for the consent
  3. Post - Consent
    1. TOSSOS - Receipts are used to compare policy changes using TOSSOS
    2. TOS;Dr - Receipts are used to look up TOS;Dr rating
    3. Out of Scope
      1. Browser Plugin - Receipts are captured and used automatically  to make policy responsive and to customise experience, reduces steps in stage 2. streamlining user experience. 
        1. Would require a receipt viewing capability, preferably on aggregate and current view as well. (by identity would be useful too)

Use Case: Demonstrator Scenario 1, Part 1: Pre-Consent (In Progress)

Submitted by: Mark Lizar

The primary focus is to create the first legal.txt (which I think at the time of this writing is already done) and develop a process for an organisation to distribute a consent receipt. 


Scenario 1; Part 3 Wire Frames - (in Progress Through Stage 1 & 2)




Issue: unique-title

(Provide technical commentary on the issues brought up by this use case.)


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