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Project: develop a single term for defining what it means to limit the use of an individual's data for an intent cast.

Data Purpose




Data DurationThe current diagram and notes around it with questions about the term:

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PREAMBLE:  The User submitted term shown here creates an opportunity for individuals to share their single term with entities about how they wish to be treated. This effort is meant to describe human, legal and machine readable versions of a comprehensive term along with additional information for agents who might implement this term for individuals as well as for entities who might see, accept or refuse the term.  {{ Information is defined as personal information provided by the individual about themselves. Data + Meaning = Information. The observer creates meaning (or observer is "informed by" the data), and then can be assigned duties. Information not collected from a person does not by definition constitute personal data. }}

TERMS AGREEMENT:  {{ Information can only be shared with those parties who first agree to abide by these terms.  Any sharing of information with a party that has not first agreed to these terms is a violation of these terms. }}

PARTIES: describes the terms for sharing information with entities by individuals.

Choice: 2nd

1st-2nd Party:   My information shared and what I do will be kept between me and the entity. 

{{Information shared by an individual (the “1st party”) and their activities are not permitted to be shared by the 2nd party with any other parties.}}

Implementer guidance: intentcast request, anonymized could be shared with a 3rd party partner and results passed back to 1st party. However, no other personal information may be passed between 2nd and 3rd parties in order to find results to intentcast request.


PURPOSE: describes the purpose for use of individual's information provided or about actions they take

Choice: Site / App Use

Site and App UseMy information will be used for providing responses for my intentcast, or for enhancing / providing the service, but not other purposes without my permission.

{{ Information about an individual may be used beyond the transaction for which it was collected or generated, but only with respect to the operation [or further development?] of the site or app over which such original transaction occurred and not for any other secondary uses by the 2nd party or other parties. }}


DISCLOSURE: describes the terms for disclosing information with entities by individuals.

Choice: No 3rd party sharing

No 3rd parties:   My information shared and what I do will be kept between me and the entity. 

{{Information shared by an individual (the “1st party”) and their activities are not permitted to be shared by the 2nd party with any other parties.}}


DURATION: describes the terms for retaining information by entities about individuals. {{ Add language referring to laws or contracts, defining 3rd party jurisdiction, to limit this from abuse. }}

Unlimited until further notice:  My information will be kept as long as I continue to choose this term, unless required by law or contractual obligation. If I change to another lesser term, my new term will be followed.

{{ Information about an individual can be retained indefinitely by the 2nd party, unless and until the 1st party notifies the 2nd party they have made an alternate selection for duration. }}


REMOVAL: describes the terms for removal information by entities about individuals. {{ Add language referring to laws and contracts to limit this if data retention is required by law. }}

Revoking data: My information use can be revoked when I signal this to occur, unless required by law or contractual obligation. If I change my mind, I can reshare my information under the terms in this agreement at my will.

{{ Information ??? Scott David to fill out? }}