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Kantara eGov Working Group Teleconference

Table of Contents

Date and Time

  • Date: Weds, September 2nd, 2009
  • Time: 14:00 PDT | 17:00 EDT | 21:00 UTC 
  • Dial in: 1-218-862-7200
  • Conference Code 805473


  • Attendee 1
  • Attendee 2
  • Attendee 3
  • Attendee 4
  • Attendee 5


  • Not in Attendance 1
  • Not in Attendance 2
  • Not in Attendance 3Beatrice Peirani - Gemalto
  • Terry McBride - Protiviti for GSA (US Gov)
  • Kyle Meadors - Drummond Group
  • Andrew Lindsay - Stewart - FuGen Solutions
  • Fulup ar Foll - Sun/Oracle
  • Jack Leipold - SSA (US Gov)
  • Joni Brennan - Kantara staff


  • Soren Peter Neilsen


  1. Confirm last ever Liberty eGov SIG Call Minutes (applicable only for members on that group to close this off)
  2. Kantara eGov WG establishment - officer positions: Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary
  3. Workplan and associated budget discussion
  4. Las Vegas F2F agenda items
  5. Las Vegas call in logistics
  6. AOB
  7. Close Meeting
  8. Post-meeting public 'Q and A' for attendees who are not yet Kantara members 





  • Items
  • Bold Items
  • Italicized Items
2. Topic 2

The following officers were agreed upon by unanimous consensus:


  • List Items
  • Bold
  • Italicized
3. Topic 3


  • List Items
  • Bold
  • Italicized
4. Topic 4
  • Bullet List
    • Second Level Bullet List

Next Meeting


. Confirm last ever Liberty eGov SIG Call Minutes

Previous call minutes (the last for Liberty eGov) confirmed by Andrew

2. Kantara eGov WG establishment - officer positions: Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary

Summary: There was discussion about the timing of the elections. The majority consensus of the meeting was to hold elections as soon as possible

  • Colin Wallis nominated as Chair by Terry, seconded Jack.
  • Soren Peter Neilsen (in absentia) was nominated as Vice-Chair by andrew, seconded by Kyle
  • No volunteers came forward for the position of Secretary, but this is not a nominated position, and remains ready and waiting!
3. Workplan and associated budget discussion

Summary:  The consensus of the meeting was: 

  • Priority on eGov web SSO eGov Profile 
  • Second priority to support Ian Henderson research proposal
  • Third Priority ID-WSF Profile (with consent service)
  • Possible internationalisation of GSA work in OpenID and IMI Infocard depending on initial success
4. Las Vegas F2F agenda items
  • As above
  • Membership, outreach and recruitment (mention of Fed Govt of Canada intention to join)
  • Confirmed attendees present on this call: Fulup, Kyle, Andrew (or Lena), Colin
  • An attendee is also expected from Gemalto
5. Las Vegas F2F call-in logistics
  • The meeting room will have a conference phone
  • The conference number (this one used for monthly calls) will be opened for 10 minutes at the begining of each session. If no-one on the call, then the line will be dropped to save hotel call surcharges
6. AOB
  • General discuission The meeting room will have a conference phone
  • The conference number (this one used for monthly calls) will be opened for 10 minutes at the begining of each session. If no-one on the call, then the line will be dropped to save hotel call surcharges
7. Post Meeting public Q and A for attendees who had not signed the GPA
  • Fulup abd Beatrice had no additional comments

Next Meeting

  • Date: Weds, October 7th, 2009
  • Time: 13:30 PDT | 16:30 EDT | 20:30 UTC (Time Chart)
  • Dial-In: +1-218-862-7200 to be advised
  • Code: to be advised

NOTE: Do not follow the code with a "#" symbol as it may cause the code not to be recognized.