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Comment: added words "related to attribute management" after information in introduction


This report and associated recommendations have been developed out of several months of reviewing and discussing the attribute space across a broad range of sectors and interests. The wiki space for the Discussion Group includes a repository of links to information related to attribute management in government, commercial industry, and higher education in from sources including the United States, Canada, Europe, and New Zealand. From that base of information we have identified the following gaps and made a set of recommendations for further work.


During the work conducted by the Discussion Group it identified areas that it believed had no cohesive, supporting effort behind them. Analysis of these areas identified the following gaps in the Attribute Management space:

  • Definitions in the Attribute Spaceattribute space
  • Identification of common core business activity (and matching process) sets
  • Establishing common semantics and terminology
  • Identification and definition of contexts
  • Agreement on a common language - Schema schema and Metadatametadata
  • Agreement on a standard query Languagelanguage
  • Interoperability between protocols
  • Trust frameworks
  • Defining and implementing consent
  • Governance around use of attributes


titleDefinition: Identity Attribute

Information bound to a subject identity that specifies a characteristic of the subject. – Derived from the ITU-T X.1252 definition of "attribute"

It should be noted that Identity Attributes Depending on the definition identity attributes are part of, but not necessarily the complete set of, the Attributes attributes associated with a subject or individual. Each Identity Proofing identity proofing process needs to establish the set of Identity Attributes identity attributes it deems necessary and sufficient to infer, with a level of assurance, who an individual is (i.e., the identity of the individual) based upon the risk / consequences of being incorrect. The Discussion Group agreed to use the above as a working definition, but there was enough discussion and confusion regarding whether or not this was sufficient to make this the first identified gap in the Attribute Management attribute management space.

The repository of information put together by the Attribute Management Discussion group is a start to closing the gap around the definitions required of the different components of the Attribute Ecosystem, but pulling together the attribute ecosystem.  Investigating the creation of a more granular document should be a fundamental requirement to further work being done by Kantara. The general consensus is that it is better to take the time to find where work is going on than to duplicate effort.  The monitoring and coordination of efforts across the attribute management space is a general theme among the gaps and recommendations.

Efforts in this space:
