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Kantara HIAWG Teleconference


Rich Furr, John Fraser.


  1. IntroRoll CalCall
  2. Approval of 2012-06-07 Minutes
  3. PIDS Update (Dan)
  4. NwHIN RFI Update (Pete)
  5. F2F Meeting in July
  6. Membership Drive
  7. Visibility for Group (blogging, Twitter, etc.)
  8. / discuss status of any outstanding minutes
  9. NSTIC Update
  10. Post Mortem  - Identity & Attribute combined group coordination (P3WG, HIAWG, IAWG, AMDG)
  11. Position Paper Discussion
  12. Launch Massive Outreach Initiative
  13. Other Business
  14. Adjourn


Roll Call

See above. Quorum was achieved. 


5/17/12 Minutes: Some minor spelling edits made.

Barry motioned to approve updated minutes, Bill seconded. Minutes approved by unanimous consent.

PIDS Update

Dan: Currently working on proposal to industry group for funding to build some of the components for PIDS.

NwHIN RFI Update

Pete: any concerns or support of the language?

Barry: I think as written, the RFI doesn’t deal with identity to a necessary level.

Pete: I agree, and I think that’s where we take that from a Kantara perspective, that identity is a necessary piece that isn’t spelled out. That would be a good response for us to make.

Barry: I’d be glad to forward a response to the group that I sent directly to NwHIN.

Helen: I think what we’re running up against is that NwHIN is funded through ONC through the end of the fiscal year, and they’re looking for a financial sustainability but in a bit of a hurry.

Joni: I think the HIA is the group to make the statement in terms of this specific item. Kantara as a whole will rely on this group to deliver the message about identity.

Pete tasked Barry to be the advocate for the response to NwHIN about the identity issue.

Joni recommended that statement reiterate what we already have and provide a roadmap plan.

Assignments over the next week – Dan and Pete volunteer to start working on response. Others offer to assist. Pete, Joni and Dan will work on an initial draft between today (6/7) and tomorrow (6/8).

F2F Meeting in July

No Other BusinessAugust 7-8 in Crystal City, Pete encourages everyone who can make it to attend.


Joni: putting together a position paper for Kantara for formation of NSTIC steering group to create clear statement for Kantara initiatives related to NSTIC steering group. Does PIDS align, or is there other reference material that aligns?


NSTIC Update

Informal group discussion.  Mike McGrath, Bill Braithwaite, and Pete provided comments on the Identity Ecosystem Steering Group kick-off meeting that took place in Chicago on August 15-16, 2012.   Bruce Schreiber discussed the role of Direct in the new Identit Ecosystem envisioned by NSTIC.  Barry also gave comments on VUHID and its role in NSTIC.

Post Mortem - Identity & Attribute Combined Group Coordination (P3WG, HIAWG, IAWG, AMDG)

Bill, Mike, Pete gave a summary of the F2F that the combined groups had August 7th and 8th at the Surescripts office in Crystal City, VA.  Group agreed that the efforts of these four groups should continue on an on-going basis to move the Kantara offering from an Identity Assurance Framework to a true Trust Framework.  Group noted the the Attribute Management efforts provided the bigges need and challenge.

Position Paper Discussion

Tabled until next meeting.


Group discussed re-casting the mission of the HIAWG to be more of an advocate and educational work group to promote the use of the Identity Assurance Framework in the Healthcare space.  Pete mentioned that there are over 100 local chapters of HIMSS that could serve as the first place to roll out the outreach program.  We also discussed doing blogging and webinars.  


Next Meeting

  • Date: Thursday, June 21September 20, 2012
  • Time: 10 am PDT | 1 pm EDT | 5 pm UTC | 7 pm CEST
  • Dial-In: +1-805-309-2350
  • Code: 613-2898