2011-Q3 Report - NSTIC DG

Date submitted: 9 Nov 2011

Officer positions:

• Interim Chair: Richard Wilsher
• Secretary: None / Vacant
• Editor: Richard Wilsher

• Total Participants: 37
o Voting:11
o Non-voting: 26

• Total email list subscribers 49

• Published meeting frequency: weekly
• Teleconferences held this quarter: 05

Quorate teleconferences: 02
• Physical meetings this quarter: 0

Quorate physical meetings: 0

• Draft specifications produced this quarter: 0
• Reports produced this quarter: 1
• Drafted the Kantara NSTIC NOI response

Deadlines in the next quarter:
• N/A

Liaison activity updates:
• (possible) planning of NSTIC focused workshops or events and speakers
• (possible) development of position papers

Other comments:
• This DG was spun up specifically to address NSTIC activities as needed. It may enjoy extended periods of non-activity.
• This DG is presently inactive.