2016-10-13 Meeting Notes (CR)


Oct 13, 2016

Meeting notes approved: 2016-10-20 Meeting Notes (CR)







  • John Wunderlich
  • Iain Henderson


Voting participants

Participant Roster (2016) - Quorum is 4 of 7 as of 2016-10-06

Iain Henderson, Mary Hodder, Harri Honko, Mark Lizar, Jim Pasquale, John Wunderlich, Andrew Hughes


Discussion Items

10 mins
  • Roll call
  • Agenda bashing
  • Minutes approval
Former user (Deleted)
25 minFormer user (Deleted)
  • David to reply to Iain's comment on list
    • This CR document will not be sufficient for what Iain is describing - other documents and work will fill that need, but this specific document is not all-encompasing
  • Other comments: it would be helpful to describe the broader context within the Introduction section
  • Is there a document family that CIS WG will develop over time?
    • Can we create a list of 'documents that must be written' - to allow us to refer to documents that don't exist yet but will fill in the obvious missing bits
  • An 'Executive Summary' section would be helpful
  • In the UMA document model, they use the Use Cases to contain what is effectively the Executive Summary
  • Look at OAuth/OpenID Connect document family to see if there's a good list of docs
    • Maybe WS* family
    • Maybe ISO 15504 (capability maturity model)
    • Maybe W3C?
  • The 'Purpose List' text should probably be removed from the specification - it's specific to the verticals/implementers and very hard for this group to resolve
  • Display of PII/sensitive information - there are a few issues still to be resolved - such as if a CR is transmitted and has PII in it, then there are privacy concerns and security concerns
  • Discussion on aspects of presentation of CR information to humans
  • Funding requests to LC/Board
Mark Lizar
  • This is the time of year to submit funding requests to LC and Board
15 min
  • Discussion on IIW plans and activities
  • Andrew, David, Colin, Mary, John W, Jim P attending IIW
  • Mary and Doc presenting UST to VRM Day
  • Mary and John presenting CR to VRM Day
20 min
  • Discussion on future structure of the WG
Former user (Deleted)
  • Thoughts on WG structure once CR v1 is into approval process
  • There are several projects and interests that contribute to the larger topic of Consent and Information Sharing
  • But these projects don't require every single participant to work on every project
  • Digi.me is seeking to startup a taxonomy group in Kantara for the Personal Data community

Action Items



CR Spec publication schedule

Current: call for comments on draft spec commences

September 19Close of business (Pacific) deadline for feedback on spec draft including examples and feedback from implementers. 
September 22WG call to review CR draft structure 
September 29WG call to review CR draft and discuss items needing resolution 
October 6WG call 
October 13WG call 
October 20Candidate draft to WG. 
Decision required if the draft is sufficiently mature to base an IIW session on it.
October 27Final working session for WG (with/without IIW comments) on candidate draft 
November 3

Final draft for WG review

November 10Working group ballot - must be approved by WG on Nov 10th 
November 15Send doc to the Leadership Council. They must approve it by Nov 30. 
November 30LC Approval decision 
December 1Kantara all member ballot begins. 
January 15 2017Earliest Spec approval dateÂ