Ext: Third Party Relationship Listing Specification V.01

Ext: Third Party Relationship Listing Specification V.01

Extension Example: Third Party Sharing Extension V.1


The first extension for the minimum viable consent receipt is that of linking to the consent receipt of list of third parties personal data is shared with.  In some jurisdictions it is only required that the categories of personal data be provided.

If in the MVCR the "Third Party Sharing" flag is true, this is an extension they can use to make the receipt show this level of compliance.

Enter Table: For Extension structure of 3rd party transparency

(link to Table:  

  • Categories of personal data shared & (or)
  • Name of third party shared with
  • Purpose of sharing
  • Link to third party CR & Policies

This is the first party relationship format for organisations to list who they will share personal data with and for what purpose.  The intention is that this can be an independent format for organisations, but this specific version of the listing will be used for the Open Notice registry when organisations sign up to it.  


The registry enables an organisation to give out consent receipts, one field on the consent receipt will be  '3rd party sharing', this will be linked to the registry form and this specification format so that a consistent usable listing of third parties can be found. 

Third Party 

NameURILink ContractPurpose for data sharing 
UPShttp://www.ups.comthis is link to personal data storeto deliver package