Kantara Initiative Identity Assurance WG Teleconference


Date and Time


  1. Administration:
    1. Roll Call
    2. Agenda Confirmation
    3. Minutes Approval: 
      1. DRAFT IAWG Meeting Minutes 2016-10-20
    4. Action Item Review
    5. Organization Updates - Director's Corner
    6. Staff reports and updates
    7. LC reports and updates
    8. Call for Tweet-worthy items to feed (@KantaraNews or #kantara)
  2. Discussion
    1. NISTR8149 Comments
    2. How to approach SP 800-63-3 and funding request 
  3. AOB


Link to IAWG Roster

As of 2015-11-05, quorum is 5 of 9


Meeting did not achieve quorum






Notes & Minutes


Minutes Approval

Motion to approve minutes of 2016-10-20: 
Motion Carried | Carried with amendments | Defeated

Action Item Review

Staff Updates

Director's Corner Link
LC Updates
Participant updates



Overall comments - Kantara statement planned. Andrew didn't get his homework done - goal was to have discussion with other TFS providers. Concerns about precision of the language and the relevance to an organization like Kantara.

RGW suggests we obtain IAWG consensus without striving for TFS consensus.


As discussed previously, the Kantara board solicits requests from working groups each year to fund projects that would not be done in a timely manner. Suggested a chance to align with expected changed for 800-63-3. If published for public comment in the next month or two and becomes an official publication in the next three months or so.  Ken Dagg has started drafting a funding proposal. Scott and Andrew have taking a quick look, need a few rounds of revision and will she with the broader group.

Andrew calls for thoughts on - if we get approval for funding, what's the dividing line between what the workgroup should be doing vs what a contractor should be doing. 





Next Meeting