How does this project fit with the strategy?

Post-v1.1 specification enhancements and inclusion of additional use cases


Project owners:

Former user (Deleted)jim pasquale

Product manager:

Kate Downing

Team members:


/ /

Problem space

Why are we doing this?

Problem statement

ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 27/ WG 5 has a Study Period open to assess the need for a new standards project for Consent Record and Receipt. This project will prepare text to contribute into that Study Period, and will also lead to the next version of Kantara receipt specification.

Impact of this problem

The next version of receipt specification will cover the same scope as the v1.1 with the addition of bugfixes and to address requests and comments on the v1.1 text. 

The next version of the receipt specification will accommodate additional use cases beyond the v1.1 concept of 'consent'. This will allow implementations that are not strictly 'consent-driven' while retaining connection to the v1.1 consent-driven implementations.

How do we judge success?

What are the goals of the project and the success criteria by which they will be measured? (These need to be specific and measurable before moving into make it)

What are possible solutions?

List your high level ideas for possible solutions. (Can be filled out later)


What do we already know?

What data or insights do you have to validate this?

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What do we need to answer?

What assumptions are we making that need to be validated or refuted?

What questions will increase our confidence in the decisions we need to make?

What are the gaps in our understanding?

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Ready to make it

What are we doing?

What will the project deliver? For example, an elevator pitch or read me.

Why will a customer want this?

It's good to get Product Management or Marketing input here: ad poster, press release, blog post

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Visualize the solution

It's good to get Design input here: white board sketches, journey map, end to end demo

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Scale and scope

It's good to get Engineering input here: t-shirt size estimate

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We are managing the list of proposed enhancements as Github issues.

Github Project:

Github Issues list:

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