(1) WG NAME: (and any acronym or abbreviation of the name): The WG name, acronym and abbreviation must not include trademarks not owned by the Organization, or content that is infringing, harmful, or inappropriate.

User-Managed Access (UMA) Work Group

(2) PURPOSE: Please provide a clear statement of purpose and justification why the proposed WG is necessary.

The UMA 2.0 Recommendations define a) a means for a client, representing a requesting party, to use a permission ticket to request an OAuth 2.0 access token to gain access to a protected resource asynchronously from the time a resource owner authorizes access and b) a means for an UMA-enabled authorization server and resource server to be loosely coupled, or federated, in a secure and authorized resource owner context.

The purpose of this Work Group is:

(3) SCOPE: Explain the scope and definition of the planned work.

Deliverables must meet the following core design principles:

They must also meet the following additional design principles:

They must also meet the following functional requirements:

(4) DRAFT TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS: List Working Titles of draft Technical Specifications to be produced (if any), projected completion dates, and the Standards Setting Organization(s) to which they will be submitted upon approval by the Membership.

The following technical specifications may be developed in 2021:

(5) OTHER DRAFT RECOMMENDATIONS: Other Draft Recommendations and projected completion dates for submission for All Member Ballot.

The following reports are anticipated to be developed in 2021 (final titles and document boundaries to be determined):

(6) LEADERSHIP: Proposed WG Chair and Editor(s) (if any) subject to confirmation by a vote of the WG Participants.

At the time of this charter’s revision, following are the members of the leadership team:

(7) AUDIENCE: Anticipated audience or users of the work.

The anticipated audience for the documents produced by this Work Group includes developers, deployers, and designers of digital services, including IoT device ecosystems, that act on behalf of natural and legal persons, including legal representatives of organizations operating such services.

(8) DURATION: Objective criteria for determining when the work of the WG has been completed (or a statement that the WG is intended to be a standing WG to address work that is expected to be ongoing).

This is intended to be a standing Work Group to address work that is expected to be ongoing.

(9) IPR POLICY: The Organization approved Intellectual Property Rights Policy under which the WG will operate.

Kantara IPR Policy - Option Patent & Copyright: Reciprocal Royalty Free with Opt-Out to Reasonable And Non discriminatory (RAND) (HTML version)

10) RELATED WORK AND LIAISONS: Related work being done in other WGs or other organizations and any proposed liaison with those other WGs or organizations.

This Work Group has a number of dependencies on, and shared goals with, the output of other efforts. The Kantara groups and external efforts with which this Work Group intends to liaise informally include (but are not limited to):