UMA telecon 2013-04-18

Date and Time



Action item review

Thomas is working on the threat model in the security considerations section of the UMA protocol specification. He is also working on the resource set  reg draft, which will be sent to Eve for review before IETF. Work is also scheduled for the introspection draft.

eHealth summit

As we discussed, the group could provide Neil McCoy with the necessary information for this summit. Any UMA-related notes will be sufficient.

UMA+OpenID Connect optimization opportunities

Not discussed at the call due to limited number of people available. We decided that this would be discussed next week.

IIW Planning

We discussed who will be attending the IIW event in May this year. Both Andrew and Thomas plan to be there. Thomas can host 2 sessions about UMA - Introduction session as UMA QA session. Thomas will provide information how the UMA protocol extends OpenID Connect. He is interested in any materials that can be used for both sessions - in particular slides, screenshots, etc. Thomas and Maciej decided that it might be good to have a demo of the UMA implementation as well. Maciej can provide a demo. Taking into account limited Internet bandwidth at the Computer History Museum, Maciej can provide a recorded demo that can be used during a session. The UMA QA session might have a Skype connection for external people to connect and answer/ask questions.


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