Understanding the Session Fixation Attack on UMA Claims-Gathering and the Provided Mitigation


On January 27, 2016, an issue was reported that identified a vulnerability in the UMA protocol. The UMA Work Group immediately set about analyzing the attack, possible mitigations under consideration, and similar cases; choosing an optimal mitigation; and developing specification text defining that mitigation. This companion non-normative document provides additional background information.

Familiarity with UMA terms and concepts is recommended for reading this document.

Many thanks to the submitters of the issue and the Work Group for its quick action!

High-Level Introduction

Here is a high-level description of the problem and the solution, suitable for end-users of online services. (You don't need familiarity with UMA terms and concepts to read this section.)

Alice wants to share a photo with Bob, and only Bob. Eve would like to see the photo, but she is not allowed. Alice stores the photo on her resource server and protects it with her authorization server. She sets a policy stating that only Bob should have access to the photo.

In order for Bob to get access to the photo, the following three steps would be completed:

  1. Bob begins his transaction by requesting the photo.

  2. Bob identifies himself within the context of his transaction by visiting Alice's authorization service.
  3. The authorization service grants access to the photo within the context of his transaction.

Eve would like to access the photo as well. She completes the following steps:

  1. Eve begins the transaction by requesting the photo.
  2. Rather than identifying herself, Eve phishes Bob and convinces him to identify himself within the context of her transaction by visiting Alice's authorization service.
  3. The authorization service grants access to the photo within the context of Eve's transaction.

The attacker must know the victim and successfully trick him for this attack to be successful. Also, some authorization services could choose other ways to let Bob be identified automatically, without having to visit the authorization service, and these others ways is not susceptible to the attack. The UMA Work Group has developed an UMA extension specification that authorization services have the option to implement if they determine this level of enhanced security is appropriate for their circumstances.

Thanks to Sarah Squire for contributing this writeup!

Discussion of the Attack

See the complete attack sequence in the UMA Claims-Gathering Extension for Enhanced Security.

The attack relies on the attacker initiating the resource access attempt, phishing the legitimate requesting party into completing one or more claims-gathering flows at the authorization server, and then taking over the session once again to accept an RPT that contains the desired authorization data that allows inappropriate access to the resource.

Because the victim's client already has an AAT, the victim will notice nothing wrong; it will look like he's supplying claims to help launch a client he knows and trusts. In the case of long-lived cookies for, say, social networks, the victim’s claims could even be provided to the authorization server automatically through single sign-on. In the case of the attacker controlling the victim's network access, the client will not even see a spurious/failed request.

The reason the attacker is able to construct a successful RPT request after the victim has completed the necessary one or more claims-gathering cycles is that every parameter – state, authorization_state, and ticket – is known in advance. Analyzing which could help distinguish the context:

Discussion of the Provided Mitigation and Others Considered

The UMA Work Group has provided a mitigation of this attack in the form of a draft extension specification.

The mitigation involves a new requesting party claims endpoint at the authorization server that behaves differently from the original one, in that it returns a ticket parameter value that is unguessable rather than the same value it was given originally; the authorization server also invalidates the original ticket. This has the effect of adding entropy to the round-trip permission ticket cycle during the claims-gathering flow, foiling an attacker's ability to know all the information necessary to simulate a true requesting party's request for an RPT and authorization data in step 7 in the attack sequence.

The extension specification has been designed to sit alongside the versions of UMA extant at the time of the extension's writing (UMA V1.0 and UMA V1.0.1) and to be usable with authorization servers using these versions and any similar version susceptible to the identical attack. The specification is a true extension in that its requirements supersede several requirements in the original specifications of the UMA protocol. As the Work Group works on its 2016 roadmap items, it will take into consideration how to fold this and any other extension specifications into future versions of the main UMA specifications.

Unsuitable Proposals

The following mitigation proposals were analyzed and found technically unsuitable.

Other Proposals Not Chosen

The following mitigation proposals were found unsuitable for the Work Group to specify formally for various reasons.

To read about other types of attacks for which strong authentication through authentication context-based trust elevation may apply, see this section of the UMA Security Considerations.