UMA telecon 2014-07-24

Date and Time



Meeting schedule review and Q3-4 schedule planning

All participants: Please send email to Eve indicating at what email address you'd like to receive calendar invites.

The V0.9 public review has started as of today. Nat S. reported that the copyright needs to be corrected/enhanced because it's the IETF one, not the Kantara one. Thomas submitted the drafts to IETF Tuesday morning. To fix this problem, we think the right answer is to just change the HTML in place on the Kantara site (and advertise this to the "public reviewers", extending the review as necessary) and not to update the IETF versions. Currently the review ends on Saturday, Sep 6.

We should plan to have a series of all-hands meetings as required to get through all the dispositions. So, Aug 28, Sep 11, Sep 18, and Sep 25 would all be all-hands meetings with the goal of being quorate so that we can get through them timely. We should be aware of the winter holidays and their impact on our meeting schedule.

To make an RSA Conference-timeframe date for completion of V1.0 Kantara Initiative Recommendation, we'd need to wrap up the specs by January 23 at the absolute latest. This is now a milestone in GitHub.

What about design principles for the getting-to-V1.0 effort? Here are some contenders (and also see these from and the OpenID Connect design philosophy of "Make simple things simple and make complicated things possible" (the original was "complex"):

Our overall goal is to handle expeditiously and with quality. Our existing DPs and requirements seem to be very friendly to these other sources of principles. E.g., our Generative principle is like the Alan Kay quote. We have a Fasts DP. Etc. The ONC pilot project has also been doing an exercise to make real-world use cases into UMA. Adrian will feed DP thoughts in from that.

Case study worksheet

Eve has posted a PowerPoint worksheet for creating custom spirals. Check it out!

AI: Eve and Ricardo: Leverage the worksheet for the "reefer" case study.

Keep an eye out for the Intel industrial IoT case study material to appear on the site.

Interop work

The MIT OIDC day (Sep 19) is currently not a F2F interop, but something like a workshop. What if we were to do a virtual interop day instead, where we block off the day (with "core hours") for IMing, testing, reporting and tweeting results, etc.? What if we target the week of IIW (Oct 28-30), possibly held in the ForgeRock offices in SF or at the CHM in Mountain View for anyone who comes in for IIW? Let's go for this.

AI: Eve: Create UMA calendar events and list of next actions for planning the UMA1iop in late October.

Prioritize GitHub issues

AI: Eve: Propose mappings of GitHub issues to our V1.0 milestone.

Consider a "blogging calendar"

Who's interested to blog and possibly be cross-posted on Adrian, Eve, maybe Mark.

AI: Eve: Follow up on blogging calendar and cross-posting.

Review any other AIs from last week

Maciej and Mark are collecting FT comments and will prepare a rolled-up list of comments and send to the list.



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