UMA telecon 2011-10-06

Date and Time



As of 22 Aug 2011, quorum is 6 of 10.

  1. Catalano, Domenico
  2. D'Agostino, Salvatore
  3. Fletcher, George
  4. Hardjono, Thomas
  5. Maler, Eve
  6. Szpot, Jacek
  7. Wray, Frank

Non-voting participants:



Roll call

Quorum was reached.

Approve minutes of 2011-09-29 meeting

Minutes of 2011-09-29 meeting APPROVED.

Action item review

Frank, Sal, and Domenico will coordinate their streams of LO* effort. There seems to be a need to go "three-dimensional" to reflect the inherent sensitivity of the resource being protected. This seems a bit similar to some of Scott David's LO* ideas (where x,y,z level values could be categorized at a higher order, like "3,2,2" for some kinds of data, and then ensconced in standard policies).

A roadmap for UMA

Alam and Mario at Fraunhofer AISEC, and Aad van Moorsel at Newcastle, and even others in industry and academia, have expressed interest in pursuing a "what's next for UMA 2.0" effort in an EU-scale funded project. Ad hoc meetings among interested participants will take place as coordinated in email.

Eve would like to see any such effort remain true to the original UMA design principles. One UMA 1.0 principle that could be expanded in 2.0 was that the authorizing user is a human acting on on their own behalf on the 'net. We have fully anticipated that 2.0 might broaden this scope to include authorizing parties that are legal persons. This could have effects on the protocol flow similar to our consideration of requesting parties that aren't human beings.

Alam asks whether discovery of protected resources is being solved in UMA now. We are anticipating that we can leverage the OpenID Connect mechanism for distributed claims (with increasing sophistication over time) to allow AMs to do this.

Planning for IIW, F2F at Kantara plenary meeting on Oct 20, etc.

Review core spec revisions and issues

George suggests that we flesh out the new Section with a normative pointer off to the OpenID Connect Standard spec, along with non-normative examples of typical messages back and forth.

Let's plan to consider our then-current rev of the core spec by next Thursday as a candidate for submitting as another IETF I-D, prior to IIW.

The IPR statement that is Kantara-specific would need to be removed to be considered by IETF groups as a new work item. We plan to continue revving our I-D until the point where we have confirmed that it is actually being taken up as a work item.

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