UMA telecon 2011-12-15

Date and Time



As of 18 Nov 2011, quorum is 7 of 13.

  1. Bryan, Paul
  2. Catalano, Domenico
  3. D'Agostino, Salvatore
  4. Hardjono, Thomas
  5. Maler, Eve
  6. Morrow, Susan

Non-voting participants:



Roll call

Quorum was not reached.

Approve minutes of 2011-12-08 meeting

Deferred due to lack of quorum.

Action item review

Webinar post-mortem and followup

52 people pre-registered and 40 people attended! The poll didn't seem to work right, but we've gotten offline interest expressed in a technical webinar. Maybe we can combine this with virtual interop planning.

FAQ update

The FAQ is growing at a reasonable rate. The UMA portion of the Kantara site gets a fair number of hits.

Review 2012Q1 plans and schedule

Should we hold a F2F meeting and interop at the EIC conference in April? Kantara is having its official F2F on April 13-14. There's also an IETF meeting in Paris March 25-30. And Eve and Thomas and possibly others (Sal?) will be at the IIW Satellite event in DC on Jan 17.

Let's take, as a goal, to work through all outstanding spec issues by mid-March, publishing a fresh I-D rev at least a week before IETF 83.

Next Meetings