UMA telecon 2011-11-17

Date and Time



As of 16 Nov 2011, quorum is 7 of 12.

  1. Bryan, Paul
  2. Catalano, Domenico
  3. D'Agostino, Salvatore
  4. Machulak, Maciej
  5. Maler, Eve
  6. Moren, Lukasz
  7. Morrow, Susan
  8. Szpot, Jacek
  9. Wray, Frank

Non-voting participants:



New AI summary




Set up a trust model subteam ad hoc call in the 10am or 11am PT hour some day, and forward key messages from the existing thread to the UMA WG list.



Eve, Frank


Work with Dervla to book WebEx, arrange for audio lines, and publicize the registration link.


Roll call

Quorum was reached.

Approve minutes of 2011-10-13, 2011-10-20, 2011-10-27, 2011-11-03, and 2011-11-10 meetings

Minutes of 2011-10-13, 2011-10-20, 2011-10-27, 2011-11-03, and 2011-11-10 meetings APPROVED.

Action item review

Trust model and implementer user guides/best practices work

A private thread on the trust model topic has blossomed. Susan wrote the most recent entry. She has proposed a document outline that covers qualitative and quantitative aspects of using UMA in a trust-enabled deployment.

We think the audience should be: business owners and deployers of UMA. If we have multiple audiences, we should probably branch out to multiple documents. Or we can provide technical and business examples side by side.

We think the document should cover topics like:

Kevin's company was approached by a government department looking to write a document about trust. Legislation tends to be general, but the examples are what gets followed. They become the de facto standard. (The same is true for technical specs.) So we should strive to make our examples good-quality.

Review 2011Q4 timeline

Let's target the Dec 8 meeting to approve the next draft to be published as an I-D, so that it comes out prior to the webinar.

Webinar planning

Kevin expresses interest in sponsoring up to 25 additional audio lines at a cost of US$15 each.

Frank has proposed an outline for the webinar, assuming that the audience is made of potential implementers and deployers. Here's an expanded version from today's discussion:

  1. What is UMA and why do we need it? (Eve)
  2. Use cases for UMA (up to five UMAnitarians)
  3. Why would an organization want to operate an authorization manager?
  4. Why would an organization want to operate an UMA-enabled host app?
  5. Existing UMA implementations:
    1. Cloud Identity/Newcastle University
    2. Synergetics/TAS3
    3. Fraunhofer AISEC

Shall we change up speakers for each item? Yes, we should try.

UMA core spec issues

We're behind on editing, but we'll catch up shortly. Paul and Eve will work together to close issues.

Next Meetings