Complete list of DG decisions

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This report contains every decision recorded in the DG meeting notes:

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  1. We did not meet the quorum. So, we agreed we should continue to pursue expansion of the Group's scope to include alternatives to biometrics/liveness, potentially specifically in Provinence (IE content watermarking, signatures, etc.)

  1. Approved
  2. Approved
  1. Approved
  1. Approved

  1. Approved
  1. Approved
  1. Approved
  1. Approved

  1. Jay to start writing conceptual descriptions of the core concepts
  2. Andrew to take IDPV (what it it, how it works today, current attack/threat vectors, current countermeasures, how does widely-adopted AI accelerate current attacks or create new attacks)
  3. James M to take AI topic area
  4. Heather - Hacker motivations (social engineering), payloads, simulated humans, synthetic identity