Voting Policy Summary

Voting Policy Summary

Voting Policy Summary

Below is a summary of requirements for varying votes.  In each case the current Operating Procedures and Bylaws are the authoritative source. 


Requires a Simple Majority of the [relevant] voting membership

LCApproval of the formation of a Work Group; (Section 2.6 of Operating Procedures)
LCDissolution of a Work Group or a Discussion Group; (Section 2.6 of Operating Procedures)
WGCertification of a Draft Recommendation as ready for All Member Ballot (to take to the LC for consideration) (Section 3.8 of the Operating Procedures)
WGCertification of initial or review recommendations for All Member review (*not* vote) (Article 7.1 of IPR Policies)
LCCertification of a Draft Recommendation as ready for All Member Ballot (vote requirement in LC to take to ballot) (Section 2.6 of Operating Procedures)
LCPermission to WG to release Draft Technical Specification for review by non-participants (section 7.2 of Kantara Initiative IPR Policies)
LC + WGApproval of Work Group and Discussion Group Reports (LC: Section 2.6 of Operating Procedures; WG: Section 3.9 of the Operating Procedures)
ALLAll actions not specifically identified elsewhere in these procedures (Section 2.6 of the Operating Procedures)

Requires a Simple Majority of the [LC] voting membership

LCElection of Leadership Council Chair, Vice-Chair, and Secretary (Section 2.6 of Operating Procedures)
LCSubmission of Budget Requests (or supplements) to the Board of Directors (Section 2.6 of Operating Procedures)

Requires a 1/5 minority of those voting:


Request for a roll-call vote (Section 2.6 of Operating Procedures)

 Requires a Supermajority of those voting in an All Member Ballot:

Adoption of the Operating Procedures  (Section 9 of the Operating Procedures)


Amendments to Operating Procedures (after passing LC and BoD vote) (Section 9 of the Operating Procedures)


Adoption of Final Draft Technical Specifications, or any update to an Organization Recommendation Technical Specification that utilize the Option Liberty IPR Policy (Article 7 of the Kantara Initiative IPR Policies)


NOTE FOR ANYTHING THAT IS A RECOMMENDATION: at least 15% of all Members must vote (Section 5.4 of the Bylaws) 

 Requires a Majority vote of the LC and the BoT:
LC + BoD

Amendments to Operating Procedures (Section 9 of the Operating Procedures)--then goes through regular All Member ballot process 

 For Electronic Votes:
 There is no Quorum requirement since all voting members are considered to be present for an electronic vote. However, unless otherwise required, a majority of those eligible to vote on the measure under consideration must return a ballot in order for the vote to be valid.

Recording/Summarizing Vote Results:


The voting record by the full Membership shall be publicly available upon completion of the ballot. (Section 5 of the OPs)


The vote shall be by voice vote except in those cases where a secret ballot is required. The results of the vote shall be announced by the chair immediately upon completion of the vote and the results recorded in the meeting minutes. (Section 6.1)


Except in those cases where a secret ballot is required by the Controlling Documents of the Organization the final tally by voter shall be made public. (Section 6.3 of the OPs)

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