PCIPR20250317 - ANCR Transparency Performance Reporting

PCIPR20250317 - ANCR Transparency Performance Reporting

REVIEW NOTICE FOR PUBLIC COMMENTS AND IPR REVIEW: Transparency Performance Reporting: A Tool for Assessment of Digital Identification Surveillance

DISTRIBUTION: Kantara Initiative Community

SUBJECT: PUBLIC COMMENTS AND IPR REVIEW NOTICE - Transparency Performance Reporting: A Tool for Assessment of Digital Identification Surveillance

Dear Kantara Initiative Community:

This is a formal notification that the Anchored Notice and Consent Receipt Work Group (ANCR)has approved the following document as a Draft Recommendation and its distribution for Public Comment and IPR Review: 

Document: Transparency Performance Reporting: A Tool for Assessment of Digital Identification Surveillance

Version: 1.0

Document Date: 2025-02-12

Document File:

In accordance with the Kantara Initiative Operating Procedures, this document now enters a 45-day public comment and IPR review period in preparation for an All-Member Ballot to consider its approval as a Kantara Initiative Recommendation.  This is an open invitation to comment. Kantara Initiative solicits feedback from potential users, developers and other interested parties, whether Kantara Initiative members or not, for the sake of improving the interoperability and quality of its technical work.

Public Review and IPR Review Period Opens: 2025-03-21, 01:00 PM ET

Review Period Closes: 2025-05-05, 01:00 PM ET

Document Abstract:

Transparency Performance Reporting (TPR) is a novel approach to digital transparency and data control reporting. TPR clarifies when a notice and consent receipt is required and its validity and provides a litmus test for valid consent. TPR uses 4 transparency performance indicators (TPIs) – the timing of the notice, the content of the notice, access and usefulness of the notice, and sovereignty of authority and security – to measure the transparency of the Personally Identifiable Information (PII) Controller notice of risk to the personal data of the PII Principal. This represents a significant advancement for decentralizing digital identification and data surveillance governance within data flows.

TPR includes mapping to privacy frameworks including Convention 108+, a commonwealth data governance framework that covers 2.5 billion people, and with it an interoperable set of requirements for security and privacy. The mappings show how the TPIs address the requirements for records of processing activities (GDPR Article 30), enable services to be accountable to international (internet) standards for data governance, and create a technical record foundation in a common set of rules allowing people to have their authoritative records of digital identification relationships.  

TPR was developed through volunteer work over three years in the Kantara Initiative Anchored Notice and Consent Receipt Work Group (ANCR) as a means of understanding and addressing ubiquitous platform and application surveillance while promoting glass-box security and privacy legal standards.

Kantara invites your review of this/these documents and asks that you submit any comments and proposed revisions on or before 2025-05-05.  As this deadline will be strictly adhered to, late submissions will not be taken into account.


Intellectual Property Rights Notice:

Intellectual Property Rights Notice: In accordance with the Kantara Initiative IPR Policy Appendix B Article 5 and the Kantara Initiative Operating Procedures Section 7.5, you have a period of 45 days to review the document for any Necessary Claims that may be implicated by the final Recommendation.

Note that any submissions are deemed to be contributed under the IPR Option of ANCR: Reciprocal Royalty Free with Opt-out to Reasonable and Non-Discriminatory (RAND)

While there is no requirement to review your patent portfolio for Necessary Claims, please be advised that unless you provide a licensing objection in accordance with the Kantara Initiative IPR Policy Article 5 or a notice of withdrawal in accordance with Kantara Initiative IPR Policy Article 6 on or before 2025-05-05 you will have committed to the licensing provisions as set forth by the Patent & Copyright: (Reciprocal Royalty Free with Opt-out to Reasonable and Non-Discriminatory (RAND)) IPR Policy with respect to any Necessary Claims implicated by the final approved document.

ANCR Participants are required to make claims to IPR regarding these technical documents. Having signed the Group Participation Agreement (GPA) all members of ANCR should be familiar with these documents, which may create obligations regarding the disclosure and availability of a member’s patent, copyright, trademark and license rights that read on an approved Kantara Initiative Recommendation.

Kantara Initiative invites any other persons who know of any part of this Group output that would infringe on third party intellectual property rights to disclose such infringement claims so that these claims may be provided to the Group members for resolution. If you are not an ANCR Participant, you have no IPR licensing obligation to any of these documents.

To submit an Intellectual Property Rights infringement claim, email staff@kantarainitiative.org  with the subject "WG  TPR IPR CLAIM".


To Comment on the Recommendation:

  1. Single comment: Public Comment Form

  2. Multiple comments:  Kantara-Comment-Template ANCR Transparency Performance Reporting Recommendation.xlsx

  3. Send your comments via email to staff@ kantarainitiative.org with the subject “(ANR TPR COMMENT SUBMISSION".


Please contact the Kantara Initiative staff at staff@kantarainitiative.org with any questions regarding this notice.  

We thank you for your time and interest.

Best regards,

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