2022-12-15 Minutes

2022-12-15 Minutes


Voting Participants: Andrew Hughes, Martin Smith, Michael Magrath, Denny Prvu, Mark King, Richard Wilsher
Participants: Lorrayne Auld, Bryan Rosensteel
Staff: Kay Chopard

Proposed Agenda

  1. Administration:

  2.  Discussion: 

    • Elections

    • Charter

  3. Any Other Business

Meeting Notes 

Administrative Items:

IAWG Chair Andrew Hughes called the meeting to order.  Roll was called. Meeting was quorate. 

Minutes Approval   

Denny Prvu moved to approve the draft minutes from the December 8 IAWG meeting. Martin Smith seconded the motion. Motion carried with no objections. 

General Updates

Kay reminded the group that if you are a member, you can vote for the KIBoD through December 18 at this Survey Monkey link. IAWG participants running for the Board include Maria Vachino, Andrew Hughes, Michael Magrath and Eric Thompson.

The first UK certifications were approved this week and will be listed on the DCMS website in the coming days. The pilot/provisional part of the program has wrapped up - there have been quite a few changes to the framework - but now all assessments are being completed as full assessments. We should start to see more traffic in the UK program.

Assurance Updates

Revision 4 is postponed and there was no information floating around about an updated release date.



Andrew made a last call for nominations. None were presented.

Martin motioned to elect Denny Prvu as vice-chair of the IAWG work group. The motion was seconded by Mike Magrath. Motion carried with no objections. Martin motioned to elect Andrew Hughes as the chair of the IAWG work group. The motion was seconded by Mike Magrath. Motion carried with no objections. 2023 IAWG leadership team will be Andrew Hughes - chair, Denny Prvu - vice-chair, Lynzie Adams - secretary.

Andrew thanked Martin for his years of service supporting the IAWG in the vice-chair role.

Charter Review

Martin overviewed his notes in the Charter. Richard overviewed his comments as well. There was some discussion between a static charter and more in-depth work plan. Andrew reviewed Kantara’s governing documents that must be taken into consideration when editing the charter and how that impacts some of the comments/suggestions made in the current charter revision documents. We must stay true to those guidelines. Denny suggested linking to a live document that would reflect what we are working on but to include some specifics in the actual charter.   

Andrew also noted that one thing that seems unknown is who owns the scheme – Kantara, IAWG, etc? He summarized that we could establish a scheme with a real scheme owner, executed by the assurance program and then determine where IAWG fits in that structure. That discussion needs to encompass the Board, ARB, and assurance program. It’s not a bad idea but outside the scope of this work group. We can recommend a meeting with those entities to move forward on this path.

Michael shared his concern that in the future, we may be competing with FIDO as they release their own schemes – DirectTrust quite possibly as well. Bryan agreed we need regulators and policy in place. The group will take a look at a way to propose this to the KIBoD in 2023.

Due to time we needed to extend the discussion into future meetings.

Any Other Business:

The next scheduled meeting will be January 5, 2023. We will revisit this conversation.

IAWG leadership keeps an action item list.
All IAWG participants should be aware that the spreadsheet exists and that it lists everything we think the IAWG is working on or planning to work on. Please feel free to review it and correct it if needed - it is not our intent to overlook something!


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