2020-04-09 Minutes

2020-04-09 Minutes

Voting Participants: Ken Dagg; Mark Hapner;  Martin Smith; Richard Wilsher; 

Non-voting participants: Ahmed Naeem.

Invited guests: Barry Hieb, HIAWG. 

Staff: Colin Wallis and Ruth Puente

Quorum: As of 2019-12-19, quorum is 3 of 5. There was quorum


a.Roll Call
b.Agenda Confirmation
c.Action Item Review: action item list
d.Minutes Approval 2020-04-02 DRAFT Minutes
e.Staff reports and updates - March Director's Corner
f.LC reports and updates
g.Call for Tweet-worthy items to feed (@KantaraNews)

2. Discussion
a. Discuss Comments on PCTF Verified Person, Privacy, and Glossary - Attached are the latest versions of the comments on the PCTF Person, Privacy and Glossary Components including the diagram.

3. Any Other Business

Minutes Approval

2020-04-02 Minutes were approved by motion. Moved: Mark. Seconded: Martin. Unanimous approval. 


  • Richard commented provided a quick update on the 63C sub-group work. He said that in order to make more progress they have changed the strategy, he has encouraged the participants to review the parts of the text they feel are contentious and which are more urgent to discuss. Furthermore, the group will double the time of the meetings the next 2 weeks. Nonetheless, he is still concern on the  lack of wide spread participation, he would like to see  more CSPs involved. Ruth added that all the Kantara CSPs were invited to join the group, and most of them said that they are not interested or it's not on their radar in the short term. However, we have received more interest from the assessors. Ken said that it is important to keep the goal to the end of April. Richard remarked that it would be feasible if the participants review the text in between meetings. 
  • In terms of upcoming work, Ken said that by the time we end with the 63C SAC, the IAWG will need to prepare comments on 800-63 rev4.
  • Ruth informed that Slandala has been accredited as a Kantara Assessor and that the details are available on the Trust Status List
  • Colin said that some progress has been made in terms mDL Mobile Drivers Licence) and the creation of a WG to progress its use as a mobile identification tool. Newly released is the Secure Technology Alliance (STA)'s mDL White Paper that Kantara members Exponent, Idemia, individual contributor members David Kelts & Ken Dagg and Staff gave time and effort to. The challenges published there are informing our perspective on the work items of the workgroup.  It's quite an art to locate and align Replying Parties requirements with the priorities of vendors, together with Kantara's capabilities, so expect it to take a little while yet. 
  • Colin pointed out that CARIN Alliance is looking to do some work to support TEFCA and ONC in federated trust framework, so he believes that probably they will ask IAWG's input on the documents. 

Discuss Comments on PCTF Verified Person, Privacy, and Glossary 

  • Ken walked the group through the revised relationship diagram PCTF Term Relationships v0.2.pptx
  • Barry said that this will be a very useful tool and thanked Ken for his work. 
  • The group agreed with the revised diagram (0.2).
  • It was agreed that we should make a diagram for the Kantara IAF Glossary.  
  • Ken asked if they were comments on the three comments sheets that were shared some days ago with the group:  DIACC_Comment-Submission-Spreadsheet_PCTF-Glossary_ENG KD2.xlsx   DIACC_Comment-Submission-Spreadsheet_PCTF-Privacy_ENG KD2.xlsx  DIACC_Comment-Submission-Spreadsheet_PCTF-Glossary_ENG KD2.xlsx
  • Barry made a comment on the Person component comment sheet, line 39, "what is a record of identity", he believes the comment "resolve" is not clear for the editor. Richard suggested that for the proposed resolution Ken adds either to use a single term consistently or define the two terms so the difference between them is understood.  The group agreed to the changes. 
  • Barry also pointed out that in several places it is said "Clarify " or "re-word as appropriate"., he suggests to guide them with specific actions to "either do this or do that". It was agreed to add that guiding information. 
  • Richard said that on row 45 the row under column F was empty and he suggested to recommend adding text to describe the identity validation process. Ken agreed to fix that and add the text accordingly. 
  • Plan for next meeting: create a motion to approve the comments and submit them to DIACC.