eBallot to comment on PCTF Verified Login Component Overview & Conformance Profile version 1.0

  • Ken Dagg has identified how the 12 comments IAWG made on the initial version of the Pan Canadian Trust Framework (PCTF) Verified Login Component were handled. See IAWG submitted comments and how they were addressed by DIAC hereDIACC_Submission-Form_Verified-Login_ENG KI IAWG v1.0 Disposition.xls  In summary, 8 were accepted and resulted in changes, 2 were deferred, and 2 were rejected.
  • As it was discussed during the last IAWG meeting, an eBallot should be released to voting members to determine if they wish to pursue developing comments on the current version: 

PCTF Verified Login Component Overview Draft Recommendation V1.0

PCTF Verified Login Conformance Profile Draft Recommendation V1.0

Motion:To develop comments on PCTF Verified Login Component Overview & Conformance Profile version 1.0 

Please cast your vote below. IMPORTANT: in order to record your vote you need to log in into Confluence.

Note: In the above e-vote table you will also have access to real-time voting results.

Ballot Opens:

Ballot Closes:

December 13, 2019 

December 17, 2019

Voting Rules A Majority of the total number of eligible voters must vote. Please see voting participants and quorum here: Participant Roster