2022-03-24 Minutes

2022-03-24 Minutes


Voting Participants: Ken Dagg, Martin Smith, Mark Hapner, Richard Wilsher, Maria Vachino
Mark King sent his apologies. 

Staff: Lynzie Adams, Kay Chopard

Proposed Agenda

  • Administration:
    • Roll call, determination of quorum
    • Agenda confirmation
    • Minutes approval - 2022-03-17 DRAFT Minutes
    • Staff reports and updates
    • International liaisons updates
    • LC reports and updates
    • Call for Tweet-worthy items to feed (@KantaraNews)
  •  Discussion: 
    • OP_SAC & CO_SAC updates
  • Any Other Business and Next Meeting Date

Meeting Notes 

Administrative Items:

IAWG Chair Ken Dagg called the meeting to order.  Roll was called. Meeting was quorate. Distributed agenda was confirmed. 

Minutes approval:  Martin Smith motioned to approve the draft minutes from the March 17 IAWG meeting. Mark Hapner seconded the motion. The minutes, as distributed, were approved unanimously.

Staff Reports and Updates:

Kay reported she has an upcoming meeting with DCMS and has already met with UKAS. The 17065 certification process has started. 

It was noted that 800-63 Rev. 4 has been delayed another quarter - looking for a release closer to the end of June now. 


OP_SAC & CO_SAC Updates 

Addressed OPA#0110 by adding text ‘long-term’ to make it context specific. For sake of time, Richard is going to make the corrections in the spreadsheets and share with the group via email.

Richard raised a Question that has recently come up: 63a#0180

  • Do these requirements demand discrete pieces of evidence from which a single piece of evidential info is extracted, thus presenting a combination of evidential info which corroborates (as well as actual verification against one piece)?
  • Or… is that our interpretation…. Are we correct?

The IAWG’s interpretations of these requirements is that they demand discrete pieces of evidence from which a single piece of evidential info is extracted, thus presenting a combination of evidential info which corroborates (as well as actual verification against one piece). Is that true?

Maria aligned the question to the table: 5-2 https://www.nist.gov/system/files/documents/2020/07/02/800-63A%20Conformance%20Criteria_0620.pdf

Going forward with Richard distributing his revisions:

  • Leaving in person until Rev. 4 but needs to addressed then.
  • Removing comparative alternative texts.
  • Double check we’ve hit everything the ARB mentioned.

Martin moved to have Richard complete the updates and distribute to the group to be addressed at the next meeting. Mark Hapner seconded. We will review at April 7 meeting.

Next Meeting:

April 7 @ 1pm ET for final review of all updated SACs.