2021-02-18 Minutes

2021-02-18 Minutes


Voting Participants: Mark King, Richard Wilsher, Ken Dagg, Martin Smith

Non-voting participants: Tim Reiniger

Staff: Colin Wallis, Ruth Puente

Quorum: 3 out of 5. There was quorum.



a.Roll Call
b.Agenda Confirmation
c.Minutes Approval 2020-02-04 DRAFT Minutes
d. Action Item Review: action item list
e. Staff reports and updates 
f. LC reports and updates
g. Call for Tweet-worthy items to feed (@KantaraNews)

2. Discussion.

a. Next steps of Australian Government Consultation on the Digital Identity Legislation
b. NISTIR 8344 (Ontology for Authentication) 
c. Consider necessary changes to subject-focused criteria.

3. Any Other Business

Minutes Approval 

2021-02-04 Minutes were approved by motion. Moved: Martin Smith Seconded: Richard Wilsher. Unanimous approval.


Upcoming review and call for comments

  • Next steps of Australian Government Consultation on the Digital Identity Legislation: As phase two of the DTA consultation of the legislation, they released 3 draft position papers, Governance of the system, Liability framework, Administration of charges for Digital Identity. They asked inputs from the community on the papers by Thursday, March 4, at midnight EST time. IAWG agreed to review the papers and discuss initial comments on Thursday 25th. There is an AU DTA call on the 24th to present the paper with a Q&A session. GDocs will be shared with the interested participants to start developing the comments on the 3 papers.
  • UK released a survey to get initial reactions on the recent release: https://dcms.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_4HZDsoOJSCWrV0q Ken said he will fill out the survey and submit it on behalf Kantara. Deadline to submit the survey: March 11th.
  • Ken commented that NIST released the NISTIR 8344 (Ontology for Authentication) https://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/ir/2021/NIST.IR.8344-draft.pdf The Public comment period is: February 8, 2021 through April 9, 2021. IAWG agreed to review and comment on this document after they finish the comments on the AU DTA papers. 

Next Meeting: 2021-02-25 To discuss the initial comments on the 3 AU DTA papers. 

Action items:

  • Ken to fill out the UK survey by March 11th
  • IAWG to review the 3 AU DTA papers and develop comments on the GDocs, which will be discussed on Thursday 25th.