IAWG Meeting Minutes 2017-01-12

IAWG Meeting Minutes 2017-01-12

Kantara Initiative Identity Assurance WG Teleconference

Date and Time


  1. Administration:
    1. Roll Call
    2. Agenda Confirmation
    3. Minutes Approval:
      1. DRAFT IAWG Meeting Minutes 2016-12-01
      2. DRAFT IAWG Meeting Minutes 2016-11-03
      3. DRAFT IAWG Meeting Minutes 2016-10-20 
    4. Action Item Review
    5. Organization Updates - Director's Corner
    6. Staff reports and updates
    7. LC reports and updates
    8. Call for Tweet-worthy items to feed (@KantaraNews or #kantara)
  2. Discussion
    1. Leadership Elections
    2. IAWG Charter Review
    3. Mapping of IDESG Requirements to Kantara Initiative IAF (Andrew)
    4. Status of 800-63-3
  3. AOB
    1.  Status of NISTIR 8149 Comments
  4. Adjourn


Link to IAWG Roster

As of 2015-11-05, quorum is 5 of 9

As of 2017-01-12, quorum is 4 of 7


Meeting did achieve quorum


  • Ken Dagg (C)
  • Andrew Hughes (VC)
  • Scott Shorter (S)
  • Russ Weiser


  • Ken Crowl
  • Christine Abruzzi
  • Jim Fenton
  • David Kelts


  • Ruth Puente
  • Colin Wallis


  • None


Voting Members for Cut/Paste

  • Ken Dagg (C)
  • Andrew Hughes (VC)
  • Scott Shorter (S)
  • Rich Furr
  • Paul Caskey
  • Devin Kusek
  • Adam Madlin
  • Richard Wilsher
  • Lee Aber

Notes & Minutes


Review of voting participants

  • Rich Furr and Devin Kusek are changed to non-voting status. Scott to notify and update the roster.
  • Voting member count is now 7 voting participants.
  • Meeting is now quorate

Minutes Approval

  1. DRAFT IAWG Meeting Minutes 2016-12-01
  2. DRAFT IAWG Meeting Minutes 2016-11-03
  3. DRAFT IAWG Meeting Minutes 2016-10-20

Motion to approve listed minutes: Andrew
Seconded: Russ
Discussion: None.
Motion Carried 

Action Item Review

  •  ACTION: Scott to include a link to the meeting minutes template

Staff Updates

  • Colin has posted the latest update on January 1, 2017 - a Year in Review.
Staff updates
  • KIPI Program 
    • 2 projects in flight
    • 2 projects under consideration by DHS
    • a pipeline of potential projects
  • ARB
    • 3 CSP annual conformity reiviews
    • 1 new CSP application
    • Consideration of separation of CSP approval v AA approval flows
  • SAC update project
    • Project in flight
  • TFS Stakeholders meeting
    • First one of the year this week
  • Board Strategy project
    • Board and LC Leads have been working on improvements over the last few months - look for exciting changes coming soon
LC Updates
  • Andrew gave a brief update 
Participant updates
  •  none reported


  1. Leadership Elections
    1. Email will be sent this week for Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary roles
  2. IAWG Charter Review
    1. Annual process
    2. Watch for drafts on the list
  3. Mapping of IDESG Requirements to Kantara Initiative IAF (Andrew)
    1. Andrew gave an update of progress
    2. Expect a draft to come to the IAWG within a week
    3. ACTION: Ken to set up a meeting with the NIST TIG, IDESG and IAWG to talk about practical implementation matters
  4. Status of 800-63-3
    1. Jim Fenton provided a brief status update
      1. Document set is in management reviews stage
      2. Watch for a formal draft for public review soon
    2. FICAM TFS is preparing to analyse impacts of the new drafts
      1. Have asked TFPs to assist with the analysis and discussions going forward
  5. AOB
    1. NISTIR 8149 comments status
      1. Scott has taken over the development of comments
      2. IAWG needs to determine how best to represent the differing opinions of the participants. Options might include:
        1. Include a detailed 'supports/does not supports' roll call per comment
        2. Include a statement about the major point of non-consensus (scope of authority to issue the NISTIR)
        3. Include a statement permitting specific participants to declare participation/support of the comments from Kantara or to recuse/abstain 





Next Meeting