Published-06-17-17-Subgroup Work Plan and timelines

Published-06-17-17-Subgroup Work Plan and timelines

Work plan

  1. Step one: identification: Analyze the source texts with the rules above to create a list of the requirements and recommendations.
  2. Step two: tagging. Tag the requirements to identify which ones belong to which AL, as well as which entities the requirement applies to, and any conditionality in the requirements. (WHAT, WHO, WHEN)
  3. Step three: express assessment methods.   Could include a list of standard evidence, common assessor and assessee activities, reporting templates…?



Schedule: 11 meetings, 10 weeks

Step zero: find any pre existing work products to include in the mix

Step one: identification 8/10-8/31

Step two: tagging 8/31-9/14

Step three: assessment methods 9/14-10/19