Action Log-LC

Action Log-LC

ClosedDate OpenedDate to Close or ClosedOwnerTaskNext StepsComments/NotesStatus/Outcome
OPENMar 7 2023
ShayUpdate LC home page


Discuss goals for LC in upcoming year


Open nominations for LC leads 12/20 and close 01/10 (a week before monthly call)


Overview of AGM meeting


Send completed AGM slides to Karyn before Monday (12/5)


Check WG elections/charter review status, Karyn to send power point template for AGM


Inform the chairs of their roles at the All Member meeting and ask for content


Remind chairs to conduct Leader Elections & Charter Refresh


Discuss LC Rep to Kantara Board monthly meeting

IN PROGRESS09/20/2022

Update monthly series meeting invite

IN PROGRESS11/08/2022

Update LC roster page

Remove the HIAWG series from the calendar

Kantara Initiative All Member Ballot to Approve KIAF-1410 CO_SAC v4.0
Emailed all Membership ResultsPassed 
LC to approve IAWG's Co_SAC v4.0 for all member ballotif passed, instruct staff to start an All Members Ballot
Passed to All Member Ballot
08/16/202208/30/2022KimberlyEballot for approval of the RIUP Charter Group
Emailed out the Leadership Council on 08/16/22, Andrew asked to extend it for another week until 08/30/22 because of email issues Passed 
08/30/202208/30/2022Kimberlyadd zoom links to LC Call in Kantara calendar (LC Meeting Weekly Calls & LC Monthly Meeting) 


Finding a leader for the Privacy and Public Policy WG restart: put this out for comment to previous WG, and then move into refreshing the group.

Create a 2017 Roadmap that describes your anticipated work areas, Reports/Recommendations, big events on the horizon. Quarterly estimated milestones would be excellent if possible.


Conduct an annual review of your DG/WG charter and hold leadership elections if required.

Contributor IPR: LC review the working drafts and provide comments.

IRM WG: The group discussed what's next with IRM once the draft document is completed. Andrew, Sal and Jim to talk offline so that a recommendation can be made to the IRM WG on best next steps after the document is complete.

Mike, Andrew and Colin to discuss formulating a public announcement approach for OTTO advancement. Could be just asking Internet2 for bullets.

OTTO WG to consider submitting a session at the Internet2 global summit in April 2017.

John W. noted that the GDPR may have an impact on Kantara Work groups. How many projects/specifications will need to be looked at regarding personal data? Now is the time to evaluate before this goes into effect in May 2018. John will prepare a strawman document of questions that need to be evaluated.

Create a standardized Kantara LinkedIn boilerplate for anyone to use as needed.


SST: The Kantara LinkedIn account was updated summer of 2016 by Colin/Mktg team.

Check in with Eve Maler to find out where the blog post is for the UMA Protocol V1.01.

2016-03-28: Request sent to Eve

2016-03-30: From Eve: I have a final draft of it in Word, but I think the content has now "aged" some, and we should think about revising. Let me dig up and send to you, but also think on this a bit. We just had some other news with our publication of our extension spec, but it's about a vulnerability, so that's perhaps not a suitably happy topic for a post.

2016-04-06: Post date the blog and move forward with posting to the site.


Check the minutes for the blog announcement regarding Ken Dagg (what is this blog announcement for?)
2016-03-232016-03-30: Announcement is for 2 new IAWG reports published

Reach out to Sal D'Agostino to update the quarterly reports web page.



Develop a Contributor Agreement - style IPR policy for Kantara

Colin working with Legal to draft. Update 12/13/16: Draft available for consideration as a replacement for all new WGs and DGs, for the 3 IPR options we have now. Needs LC and Legal review if extra clauses should be added into the new one to reflect aspects of our IPR options; Creative Commons (typically for copyright), Apache (typically for code), RF opt out to RAND (typically for specs). See it on this page:

Working Drafts


Coordinate the publication of IAF-1401 into a report. The report was approved at the April 6 LC meeting.


Regarding the Blockchain idea discussion:

    • Andrew will put the text into the pre-existing template and circulate to the Leadership Council.
    • Schedule a follow-up meeting to further discuss the May event. Attendees to include: Colin, Andrew, Eve, Thomas and a member of the Virtual marketing team.



Promote the new Blockchain DG and May Blockchain event.
2016-05-04In progress.

Request the new DG wiki from Oliver.
2016-05-04In progress. Expected to be complete week of May 9

Develop a blog post for the new DG and May event at MIT

Andrew will take the action to draft the charter for a WG to continue work on the program

Issue via eBallot for Cloud ID Security Best Practices

Issue via eBallot for Digital ID Pro DG Charter

Colin to ressurect the policy draft for using GitHub.
2016-08-24Update 12/13/16: UMA WG's work parsed into a draft doc for LC Chair review in the first instance.

A discussion group is proposed for "DRAFT NISTIR 8112 Draft Community Feedback Discussion Group". Andrew to Circulate an email with detail so this can move quickly.

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