LC telecon 2011-04-13

LC telecon 2011-04-13

LC telecon 2011-04-13

Date and Time

  • Date: Wednesday, 13 Apr 2011
  • Time: 13:00 PDT | 16:00 EDT | 20:00 UTC (time chart)


  1. Roll call
  2. Approval of 2011-03-30 minutes
  3. Action item review
  4. Berlin meeting May 16-18: don't forget to register!
  5. BoT matters
  6. WG/DG matters
    1. Consider Liberty Spec Maintenance WG status
  7. AOB


Quorum is 7 of 12 as of 10 Nov 2010.

Voting reps:

  1. Consumer ID WG: represented by Bob Pinheiro
  2. User-Managed Access WG: represented by Eve Maler
  3. eGov WG: represented by Colin Wallis
  4. Federation Interoperability WG: represented by John Bradley
  5. Telecommunications Identity WG: represented by Jonas Hogberg
  6. ULX WG: represented by Bob Morgan
  7. ID-WSF Evolution WG: represented by Peter Davis


  • Dervla O'Reilly


  • Myisha Frazier-McElveen
  • Pete Palmer

Not in attendance:

Healthcare ID Assurance WG: represented by Pete Palmer
ID Assurance WG: represented by Myisha Frazier-McElveen
Japan WG: represented by Toshihiro Suzuki or Yasuhisa Sakamoto
Privacy and Public Policy WG: represented by Jeff Stollman or Anna Slomovic
Board of Trustees: Vadim Lander


Roll call

Quorum was achieved.

Approval of 2011-03-30 minutes

MOTION: Moved by Peter, seconded by Jonas:


Approve 2011-03-30 minutes.

PASSED: By unanimous consent.

Action item review

  • 2010-10-19-2 Trent Open Explore with Staff how Confluence can be used to offer some sort of cross-group reporting that is useful and minimal impact on all involved. Close this item with no action.

Berlin meeting May 16-18: don't forget to register!

Dervla, Jonas, John, and Colin have all registered. The Fraunhofer FOKUS folks recommended some local hotels, some quite reasonably priced and only a subway ride's distance away. Seventeen people are registered so far; the early-bird rate ends this Friday.

BoT matters

The BoT meeting scheduled for tomorrow but has been postponed.

Consider Liberty Spec Maintenance WG status

The Kantara officers and the WG chair have agreed that, since there has been no activity for the last year-plus, it makes sense to shut the group down, with any questions coming in being remanded to the BoT as necessary. Peter suggests that the ID-WSF Evo group, which is about to spin up again, could also field occasional queries. Colin reminds that we would like to generally recommend the option to start a DG should anyone want to start significant new conversations. Dervla plans to do this.

The wiki space and list archive would be retained as-is, but the group itself will be listed as an archived/inactive group in the list dropdown.

MOTION: Moved by Eve, seconded by Jonas:


Shut down the Liberty Spec Maintenance WG and take the appropriate related actions.

PASSED: By unanimous consent.


The Trust Framework Meta Model group, with wiki and list, has been launched. The kickoff meeting will be in Berlin, which seems to be having a positive effect on attendance generally.


Colin, Rainer, and Nat, possibly among other Kantara-affiliated folks, are currently attending this meeting in Singapore. Kantara's profile at this table is very high. The initiative and individual groups are being mentioned frequently in conversation. The Kantara trust framework efforts are getting visibility with respect to cloud computing and its contractual needs.

It's unclear at this juncture exactly how best to contribute to the ITU-T x.oitf conversations and get Kantara's IAF work considered as appropriate.

ULX leadership

Paul Trevithick is arranging to step down from his chair duties gracefully due to lack of time.

Next Meeting

  • Date: Wednesday, 27 Apr 2011
  • Time: 13:00 PT | 16:00 ET | 20:00 UTC (time chart)