November 18, 2015 Agenda

November 18, 2015 Agenda

Date and Time

·  Date: Wednesday, November 18, 2015

·  Time: 13:00 PT | 16:00 ET | 21:00 UTC (time chart)

·  Dial-in:  Skype:+99051000000481

o    US Dial-In: +1-805-309-2350 | Room Code: 402-2737

o    For more dial-in information, see: http://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/display/GI/Telco+Bridge+Info


Agenda for Leadership Committee Meeting October 21,  2015

  1. Roll Call

  2. Kantara IPR

  3. Approve Minutes

    1. 2015-10-21 Meeting Notes

  4. Administration

    1. Quarterly Reports

    2. Tools

      1. Working Drafts - please see the tools spreadsheet here.

    3. Voting

      1. Review slate of nominations for Liaison Representative from the Leadership Council to the Board of Trustees.  1 Year term - two positions open; vote on nominees

      2. UMA V1.0.1 vote outcome (8 affirmative)

    4. Operationalizing the Kantara Theme and Collaboration

      1. Update on group IPR

        1. Discussion on IPR in UMA and UMA DV

      2. Trust services and connective life by IPR on spreadsheet (please find this document here: Working Drafts)

      3. Use Cases

  5. WG Updates

    1. Funding Updates - status summaries

    2. 2016 funding requests - reminder

  6. BoT Liaison Report

  7. Other Action Items Review: see

    1. Discussion on IPR in UMA and UMA DV on the next call - Eve Maler-ongoing

  8. AOB

    1. NDSS - Network and Distribution Security Symposium - Internet Society Conference.  Sponsoring and funding.

  1. Jane will include KI Privacy Policy and updates regarding the MVCR use in the KI site on the next agenda. Closed as an agenda item Ongoing for Implement as a larger work of Kantara.

  2. Colin to work with Sal to draft a policy regarding more than one person chairing a WG. This has been started. Robert’s Rules does not apply. Andrew Hughes had an notion that a percentage could be applied. Jane will ask ISTO leadership for advisement.- Closed

  3. Joint LC/Board discussion IPR. - Open

  4. Action Item - Pete Palmer to craft a few paragraphs on the HIMSS opportunity to be sent to the LC Working Group Leaders.

  5. Action Item - The process guidelines for balloting revisions to documents or new documents will be placed on the wiki.

  6.  Action Item: Jane to develop a few use cases from Working Group to help the gang of 5 frame the conversation.
  7.  Action Item: Joni Brennan to have a discussion about OASIS IPR with Jamie Clark.
  8.  Action Item: Jane will email the leadership council regarding a call for volunteers from the LC to the BoT.

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