2014-05-21 Meeting Minutes

2014-05-21 Meeting Minutes

Date and Time


  1. Roll Call
  2. Approve Minutes: LC Telecon Minutes 2014-04-09
  3. Administration:
    1. Action Item Review
    2. Executive Director Report - see Executive Director's Corner
  4. Voting
    1. TBD
  5. Discussion

    1. Board Budget Approval Status
    2. Status of the IAF All Member Ballot
    3. IWAG and the Strategic Direction of Kantara (Marissa)
    4. Proposal for PKI DG (Pete)

  6. Marketing updates
    1. TBD
    2. Marketing and Outreach
      1. Event Radar 2014
  7. WG Updates
  8. BoT Liaison Representative Update
  9. AOB
  10. Adjourn


May 21, 2014


  • Andrew Hughes
  • Pete Palmer

  • Colin Wallis

  • Sal D'Agostino

  • Marissa Jadrosich (Staff)

  • Rich Furr

  • Maciej Machulak 

  • Paul Calatayud
  • Aldea Meary-Miller (Secretary)

Regrets: Eve Maler, Joni Brennan

Approve Minutes

Motion to approve LC Telecon Minutes 2014-04-09 minutes made by Colin Wallis seconded by Sal D'Agostino. Minutes approved.


    1. Action Item Review
      • Make sure roster is updated to reflect IAWG Chair is Rich Furr ( primary) and Paul Calatayud  (alternate)

    2. Executive Director Report - see Executive Director's Corner
      • None


Nothing to vote on.

Discussion Items


  1. Board Budget Approval Status -
    Sal said the board may reinstate project funding. There is a template for applying for this that needs to be found and sent out to the group.

    Colin mentioned that it has been two years since we did this and a template was used. Colin to try and find example. UMA did one around testing. Interested in co-funding rather than straight out fund. On wiki detailed process but no tmeplate attached.

    Action item:  Pete and Colin to try to find example applications.

  2. Status of the IAF All Member Ballot
    Marissa needs to talk to Joni about this. They have a meeting tomorrow and she will ask then email the group. Pete said this would be ideal so the vote would not have to be reopened. 

  3. IAWG and the Strategic Direction of Kantara

    The IAWG is prioritizing their 2014 direction and goals and want to make sure they are in line with the board and the LC. Kantara has until August to come into compliance with latest FICAM requirements. At the May meeting Kantara agreed to lead the charge on trust framework attributes. It may be time to reopen the discussion group around attributes re-invigorate the attribute working group. Rich said he thinks a separate working group would work best. Sal said this may be a good opportunity to see if the group has critical mass and is still viable. Rich and Sal agreed to work together to set this in motion.  At the  Kantara European plenary in Munich on May 12 there was a strategic discussion around mission and vision. The discussion centered around a shift towards more business and commercial undertones to the mission and vision

4. Proposal for PKI DG (Pete)

Pete said he would like to see Kantara move forward with either a working group or discussion group that extends the scope of the IAF and the assessors' program to include PKI.  Rich said that we would need to bring to the FBCA certificate policy working group to make sure there is buy-in there because they control PKI when it comes to the federal government.  Colin added that Europe would really welcome this because they do not have a firmly established process for this.

Action Item: Sal or Colin to tell the board the LC is contemplating and make a discussion item for next LC call.

Marketing Updates

    1. Marissa re-emphasized the UMA award.
    2. Marketing and Outreach
      1. Event Radar 2014

Work Group Updates

Ran out time.  Most of the WG updates were given in the Discussion section.



Action Items