LC telecon Minutes 2012-07-18

LC telecon Minutes 2012-07-18

Minutes approved by LC 2012-08-22

LC telecon 2012-07-18

Date and Time

  • Date: Wednesday, 18 July 2012
  • Time: 13:00 PT | 16:00 ET | 20:00 UTC (time chart)
  • Call-in toll-free number: 1-866-203-0920
  • Call-in number: 1-206-445-0056
    • Conference Code: 5423695925#
  • International Dial-In Numbers


  1. Roll Call
  2. Approve LC telecon DRAFT Minutes 2012-06-2012
  3. Administration:
    1. Executive Director report
    2. Action Item Review
    3. Quarterly Reports
  4. Discussion
    1. Identity & Attribute combined group coordination (P3WG, HIAWG, IAWG, AMDG)
    2. Continue Discussion of NSTIC
  5. WG Updates
  6. BoT Liaison Representative Update
  7. AOB
  8. Adjourn


  • Eve Maler (UMA)
  • Colin Soutar (P3WG)
  • Myisha Frazier-McElveen (IAWG)
  • Pete Palmer (HIAWG)
  • Jonas Hogberg (Telcom Identity WG)
  • Rainer Hoerbe (eGov)
  • Colin Wallis (BoT liaison)

Quorum is 6 of 11 as of 06 June 2012.


  •  Joni Brennan


  •  Heather Flanagan


  • Heather Flanagan


  • Patrick Curry

Minutes & Notes

Administration: Approve 20 June 2012 LC Minutes

  • Passed with unanimous consent, motion made by Colin Walis, seconded by Colin Soutar


Administration: Executive Director report

  • Big board meeting, more to discuss later
  • 4-6 organizations ramping up, filling out accreditation and service applications
  • NSTIC secretariat has announced meeting, Aug 15-16 in Chicago (see http://idecosystem.org for registration info)

Administration: Action Item Review


Assigned To





Heather Flanagan

In Progress

collect and coordinate input on changes to make to the operating agreement

Discussion on list, discussed on previous call; text still in progress


Joni Brennan


Provide cohesive statement to LC regarding Kantara Mission for subsequent dissemination and discussion with WGs


20120530-04Patrick Curry, Colin Wallis, Joni Brennan, Ken DaggIn ProgressCome up with first pass of industry classification and Venn diagramDraft out to list for discussion; no feedback received; maybe amend this in to a slide that is sector specific; put on agenda for Aug 6 leadership talk
20120711-01Heather CompleteSend out a doodle poll to the LC for 2 meetings regarding NSTIC strategyfirst call to discuss what it means to have KI participate
20120711-02Heather, Joni CompleteReview OP regarding dissolution of a working group and come back with a recommendation for Consumer ID 

note on action item 20120711-02, from Joni Brennan:

I've reviewed the Operating Procedures and find no procedures with in a work group for the dissolution of a WG.  I do find 2 ways in which actions are defined. 

1. Via a simple majority vote of the LC (OPs section 2.6), and
2. according to the process defined by the LC ( http://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/x/3oCdAg ).

I suggest LC review item 2 because it actually defines what leads up to item 1.  For a Work Group to self-shut-down (decharter) they would need to hold a super-majority vote with in the WG and then notify the LC of the results of that vote. 

For example: Consumer Identity WG has 6 voting members ( http://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/x/IQCX ) so at least 5 people (4.5 is supermajority) must vote affirmative for the decharter action.

Should it be proven that this vote is attempted, has opportunity, but can not be achieved, it would seem apparent that this decision comes back to the authority of the LC OR the group continues but does not generate quarterly reports > kicking off the quarterly reports process as defined in item 2.  That bit of detail should close the questions about what happens when a group may seek to decharter.  Please advise if there are questions or concerns.

New Action Items


Assigned To






Administration: Quarterly Reports

  • Q2 reports due

  • Currently up to date: UMA, AMDG, eGov


IAWG, HIAWG, P3WG, AMDG coordination

  • August 6 (Leadership closed session), 7-8 (open to group participants) Face to Face planning - DRAFT agenda
  • would be useful to have a dedicated page on the wiki with relevant documents to inform the session
  • on next LC call, talk about how the LC should coordinate work efforts

Continue discussion of NSTIC

Comment pulled from note to LC from Joni Brennan 10-July-2012

Kantara will need to understand who will attend to represent Kantara (I plan to at least) and which stakeholder group Kantara plans to identify with for the NSTIC Management Council formation.  One group must be chosen for the Management Council voting but beyond that Kantara can get involved in any activity. 

Questions to consider:

  • Which group should KI affiliate with of the possible stakeholder groups? That will/may be necessary to be considered for the NSTIC Management Council.
    • might be appropriate to aim for the At-Large position if they still exist rather than attempt to pigeonhole itself in to one group
  • What direction should KI be voting in?
  • If someone is going to nominate KI to be part of the management council, would it be appropriate for KI to accept?
  • KI will offer the KI ARB and IRB programs to fill the potential accreditation needs for NSTIC.  What else should we offer/ask?

Doodle polls created to schedule 2 calls (pre- and post- NSTIC meeting, week of Aug 13)

Pre- Aug 13 poll:   http://www.doodle.com/h2s6zxmt4dmkmyiy

  • May need to change the pre-Aug 13 dates to be before July 30 as there will be a pre-meeting call on or around July 30 to socialize docs; if we are going to take a position on those documents at the f2f meeting in Chicago, we might need to meet prior to this call to agree to our position
    • we need to push for a strong edit stage for the NSTIC by-laws since it sounds like there won't be a provisionally accepted phase

Post- Aug 13 poll: http://www.doodle.com/fkbzxa6qmf9d7gfk

  • F2F meeting will be Aug 15-16

See also BoT notes to get more information on Kantara and NSTIC

Surescripts gave testimony last week in DC regarding the importance of NSTIC to Health & Human Services

WG Updates


BoT Liason Report

Notes from Collin Wallis to LC, 17 July 2012

The LC should be prepared to discuss and either vote on, or undertake a electronic votes on resolutions covering:

1) Governance review, feedback and proposed changes (Operating Procedures and Bylaws)

2) Further discussion regarding NSTIC.  Board of Trustees discussed the value (or otherwise) of Kantara 'leadership role' with in NSTIC structure. The BoT decided that, for the potential conflcit of interest as a Trust Framework provider, it should not seek such a role. It would like the LC to initiate an All Member ballot to record KI membership affirmation to join NSTIC as a member.

3) Vision and Mission: Joni sent this around a few weeks back and except for a few minor word chnages, there was no negative feedback/red flag. The Board is looking for formal ratification of the new positioning from the LC, so it can move forward with other strategic and tactical initiatives that depend on it.

4) Stand by for some PR coming down the wire....

5) BoT intends to initiate a Community call for interest in ID WSF...do we revise it, freeze it, dispose of it.

Other comments

  • it may be that many members will expect to participate in NSTIC through their own organizations
  • given the timing of the meetings, will need to get the LC to agree on language ASAP
  • the assurance programs are directly under the control of the BoT, which is where the concern about potential Conflict of Interest regarding KI participation in NSTIC came from
  • what you see at the bottom of the last quorum call is what will be changed in the By-Laws
  • no negative feedback regarding vision and mission, LC should do a final review of the email from Joni on Vision and Mission - require a formal vote approving that positioning, the spirit and intent (noting that final minor wordsmithing will be allowed without further votes)
  • Mission: A technology agnostic Accreditation and Approval organization providing programs that enable shared risk mitigation via assured trust in Authentication policy and technology profile deployments for the greater good of identity ecosystems.
  • Position: Kantara Initiative is a neutral organization where policy and technical interoperability meet, best positioned for Business, Regulated Industry, Governments and convergence of International programs.

    • Colin Soutar - suggest a minor change "a technology agnostic providing accreditation and  approval programs" would be more inclusive
    • Motion to approve change: The LC affirms the spirit of intent of the motion and position with one amendment as follows: a technology agnostic organization providing accredidation and approval programs" - moved by Rainer Hoerbe, seconded by Colin Soutar; no objections and motion passed by unanimous consent


  • we have a big story to tell with regards to accreditation, so we have some big PR to send down the wire; the point is to bring more members and a return of investment to the WG so we can get to a revenue neutral or positive position to support the work the WGs do
  • ID WSF - do we move the IPR to another org, sell it to another interested party, or revise the work? Do we kill it or revive it? Conversations underway


  • Secretary transition in 1 week; HF is taking on the technical support role for Kantara and will need to transition the secretary role to a new elected person