2010-Q2 Report - Consumer Identity WG

Consumer Identity WG Quarterly Report

Reporting on: 2Q 2010

Group Name: Consumer Identity WG

Filled Officer Positions and Names:

  • Chair: Bob Pinheiro
  • Co-Chair:
  • Vice-Chair:
  • Secretary:
  • Editor:
  • ... etc.

What are the current active number of:

  • Total Participants: 37
  • Voting Participants: 4
  • Non-Voting Participants: 33
  • Total Email List Subscribers: 69

Published Teleconference Frequency (e.g. weekly, every-other week, etc.): not specified
Number of Teleconferences this Quarter: 4

Number of Quorate Physical Meetings this Quarter: 0
Number of Non-Quorate Physical Meetings this Quarter: 0

Number of Draft Specifications Produced this Quarter: 0
Number of Reports Produced this Quarter: 0

Deadlines the Group will face in the forthcoming quarter:

  • Expiration of Group Leadership (e.g. Chair): none
  • Deadlines listed in the Group Charter (e.g. duration expiration): none
  • Group-Imposed Deadlines: none

Other Comments: