Leadership Council Teleconference - 2009-07-29

Leadership Council Teleconference - 2009-07-29

Kantara Leadership Council Teleconference

Date and Time

  • Date: Wednesday, July 29, 2009
  • Time: 8am PDT | 11am EDT | 15:00 UTC (Time Chart)
  • Teleconference Info:
    • Skype: +9900827043671716
    • US Dial-In: +1-201-793-9022 | Room Code: 3671716



  • Voting: 9 out of 15
    • Consumer ID WG - Bob
    • ID Assurance WG - Myisha
    • IdP Selection WG - Philippe
    • ID-WSF Evo WG
    • Japan WG
    • P3 WG
    • UP-VPI Tech WG - Iain
    • UMA WG - Eve
    • Clients WG - Conor
    • Healthcare Assurance WG
    • UD-VPI Policy WG - Iain
  • Liberty Spec Maintenance WG
    • eGov WG - Colin
    • BoT liaison WG - Ken Salzberg
  • Nonvoting:
    • Concordia DG - Eve
    • Japan DG
    • ICU DG - Trent
    • Multi-Protocol Selector DG
    • Guest: Roger Martin
    • Staff: Britta, Brett, Joni, Dervla


  • Frank Villavicencio


  1. Introductions
  2. Quorum Determination
  3. Approval of prior meeting minutes
    1. Please review: Leadership Council Teleconference - 2009-07-15
    2. Please review: Leadership Council Teleconference - 2009-07-22
  4. WG / DG Updates:
    1. Progress Update: Identity Assurance Work Group (IAWG) [Frank]
      1. Provisioning? [Joni]
    2. Approval of Proposed deadline for Founding Charters [Trent]
      1. Submission: August 15th
      2. Vote: September 14th at DIDW
    3. Placeholder for other WG / DG items
  5. Identity Assurance Program [Brett]
    1. Proposed Motion: The Kantara Initiative Leadership Council conceptually supports the Identity Assurance Certification Program, and would support the program being run as a special committee of the Board of Trustees.
    2. Proposed Motion: The Kantara Initiative Leadership Council supports the work of the Assurance Review Board nominating committee that was created by the Liberty Alliance, and would support the nominating committee be recognized by the Kantara Initiative Board of Trustees to complete its work.
    3. Proposed Motion: The Kantara Initiative Leadership Council requests of the Board of Trustees that it be able to seat an additional member with appropriate qualifications on the nominating committee as it completes its work.
  6. Board of Trustees Update [Colin, Conor]
  7. Event Task Force Update [Dervla]
  8. Blogging Discussion [Trent]
  9. Work Group Officer Ballots [Eve]
  10. AOB


  1. Introductions
  2. Roll Call and Quorum Determination
    • Quorum reached (9 of 15 voting entities).
  3. Approval of prior meeting minutes
    1. Please review: Leadership Council Teleconference - 2009-07-15
      • Approved by unanimous consent.
    2. Please review: Leadership Council Teleconference - 2009-07-22
      • Approved by unanimous consent.
  4. WG / DG Updates:
    1. Progress Update: Identity Assurance Work Group (IAWG) [Frank]
      1. Provisioning? [Joni]
        • Deferred.
    2. Approval of Proposed deadline for Founding Charters [Trent]
      1. Submission: August 15th
      2. Vote: September 14th at DIDW
      3. It was suggested to modify this proposal to say "successful acceptance" by August 15.
      4. Motion: The LC establishes August 15, 2009 as the deadline for successful submission of “Founding” WG Charters (thus requiring a vote held by September 14).  A “Founding” WG whose Charter has not been successfully submitted by the deadline will lose LC voting status, requiring they follow the standard procedure for creating a new WG to regain voting status.  APPROVED, by unanimous consent.
    3. Other WG / DG items:
      1. The approval clock is ticking on the ULX charter. We will take up this question next time.
  5. Identity Assurance Program [Brett]
    1. Proposed Motion [Trent]: The Kantara Initiative Leadership Council conceptually supports the Identity Assurance Certification Program, and would support the program being run as a special committee of the Board of Trustees.
      1. Proposed motion #1 is intended to support the program "conceptually" while allowing the LC to continue to react and provide input to the committee's charter.
      2. It was suggested that any interest or the appearance of interest in an application should lead an ARB member to recuse themselves from considering that application. This will be added to the charter.
      3. It was observed that the charter doesn't recognize any preferences for non-NIST frameworks.
      4. It was suggested that the Kantara operating procedures should be explicitly referenced; the response was that, as a board committee, it would be guided by its charter and RROR. 
      5. AI: Send any further charter comments to Colin, who will bring them to the BoT meeting tomorrow.
      6. Proposed motion #1 was discussed; while the body will be called a "board", it will be run as a "special committee" under RROR.
      7. Proposed motion #1 was moved to the floor, seconded, and APPROVED by unanimous consent.
    2. Proposed Motion [Trent]: The Kantara Initiative Leadership Council supports the work of the Assurance Review Board nominating committee that was created by the Liberty Alliance, and would support the nominating committee be recognized by the Kantara Initiative Board of Trustees to complete its work.
      1. Proposed motion #2 was moved to the floor, but withdrawn after discussion pointed out that full support for the BoT's actions was conveyed in motion #1.
    3. Proposed Motion [Trent]: The Kantara Initiative Leadership Council requests of the Board of Trustees that it be able to seat an additional member with appropriate qualifications on the nominating committee as it completes its work.
      1. Discussion ensued about whether it makes sense to make the request in the third motion if we don't already have someone willing to serve, given the short timeline of the nominating committee. We decided not to consider it.  The motion was not moved to the floor.
  6. Board of Trustees Update [Colin, Conor]
    • Deferred.
  7. Event Task Force Update [Dervla]
    • The LC needs to give Dervla meeting topics by the end of the week.
  8. Blogging Discussion [Trent]
    • It was suggested that this discussion be taken to email.
  9. Work Group Officer Ballots [Eve]
    • The informal policy that has been developing is to conduct secret ballots for leadership by sending emails to a special KI mailing list to which only staff has access.
    • Discussion ensued about whether nominations also have to be subjected to a special secret process; it seems not.
    • AI: Eve and Britta to work together on written LC guidance on how to do leadership nominations and balloting.
  10. Question about new-group announcements
    • Should staff do this, or should the new chair do it? Let's discuss in email.
  11. Question about telecon length
    • Should we consider extending these calls? Let's discuss in email.

Next Meeting

  • Date: Wednesday, August 5, 2009
  • Time: 3pm PDT | 6pm EDT | 22:00 UTC (Time Chart)
  • Teleconference Info:
    • Skype: +9900827043671716
    • US Dial-In: +1-201-793-9022 | Room Code: 3671716