LC telecon 2011-09-21

LC telecon 2011-09-21

LC telecon 2011-09-21

Date and Time


  1. Roll Call
  2. Budget discussion - http://kantara.atlassian.net/wiki/display/LC/2012+Budget+Allocation+Requests
  3. LCTF-SC discussion (time-permitting)
  4. Wiki / WordPress introduction and feedback (time-permitting) -  http://kantara.atlassian.net/wiki/display/GI/NEW+TEST+CONFLUENCE+HOME+PAGE+MOCK+UP
  5. AOB


Quorum is 6 of 11 as of 13 July 2011. Quorum was reached.

  1. eGovernment: represented by Colin Wallis
  2. Consumer Identity: represented by Bob Pinheiro
  3. Healthcare Identity Assurance: represented by Pete Palmer
  4. Federation Interoperability: represented by John Bradley
  5. Identity Assurance: Myisha Frazier-McElveen
  6. Privacy & Public Policy: represented by Mark Lizar
  7. Telecommunications Identity: represented by Jonas Hogberg


  1. Dervla O'Reilly
  2. Joni Brennan
  3. Anna Ticktin


  • Dervla O'Reilly for Lara Zimberoff

Not in attendance:

  1. User Managed Access (apologies)
  2. Open Source Support Initiative (apologies)


  1. Information Sharing: represented by Joe Andrieu


Roll Call

The group reached quorum.

Budget Discussion

The LC asked WGs to submit and prepare preliminary requests by Sept. 15.  The official deadline is Sept. 30.  On the Sept. 21 LC call, leadership conveyed that the next BoT is Sept. 22 and proposed groups send all details and requests in advance of that meeting.  If there are any updates, please send to the LC list serve soonest in order for the BoT to review in time for their call.

Please note that all funds matched or otherwise must be spent in the calendar year they were budgeted.

eGovernment - the group will be doing most of the work themselves so the group aim to be frugal. The group will also try to find matched funding.

Federation Interoperability - no change, the group is hoping that they can find matched funding.

Healthcare Identity Assurance - to clarify, the total requested amount is $20,000.  (Note: OIDF would like to see a written report and outcome for Phase 1 of the PIDS Project). 

Identity Assurance A - to clarify, add language that funds will be used for Webcasts and Events.

Identity Assurance B - no further clarification.

Identity Assurance C - in-kind donations will need to be approved by the Board of Trustees and will be accepted only if details are clear that there is no conflict of interest.  Myisha will send updates to the list serve.

Information Sharing -
Total $10,000 including matching funds for Creative
Total $10,000 including matching funds for Legal
Total $5,000 for Interop

Therefore total Kantara commitment is $15,000.

The group conveyed if they receive matching funds for 2011 and could get work done in 2011 they would like to use it this year. 

P3 - will add more detail to the request after their telecon on Sept. 22.

Open Source Support Initiative  - updated from $500 to $1,000. 

UMA - no change for requests A, B, C.

Motion: Pete Palmer moves, Colin Wallis seconds:


Motion to approve taking the total amount of $83,000 to the Board of Trustees for review and discussion on Sept. 22 telecon: http://kantara.atlassian.net/wiki/display/LC/2012+Budget+Allocation+Requests

LCTF-SC Discussion

Anna Ticktin will build the wiki page. Further discussions will take place at IIW and Kantara F2F meeting in October. 

Wiki Introduction and Feedback

Table for Sept. 28 meeting.

Group Specific Matters




Next Meeting

  • Date: Wednesday, 28 September 2011
  • Time: 13:00 PT | 16:00 ET | 20:00 UTC (time chart)