2011-Q1 Report - Health Identity Assurance WG

2011-Q1 Report - Health Identity Assurance WG

Template for submitting quarterly group reports to the LC

To create a group report, log in to the wiki, click on "Add Child Page" while visiting the Quarterly Reports page; title your new page "YYYY-Qn Report - GROUP NAME" (for example, "2010-Q3 Report - Example WG"); and copy the markup from this template (select "View Wiki Markup" from the Tools menu on this template page) into the report page body. Instructions below are in parentheses and italics; delete them and this note before publishing. If you need assistance, ask the LC Secretary.

2011 - Q1 Report - Health Identity Assurance WG

Date submitted: 06 July 2011

Officer positions:

* Co-Chairs: John Fraser, Rick Moore, and Pete Palmer
* Staff Liaison: Lara Zimberoff - ApeniMED, Dervla O'Reilly - Kantara staff


* Total participants: NN
** Voting: 8
** Non-voting: 5
* Total email list subscribers: NN


* Published meeting frequency: Every other week
* Teleconferences held this quarter: 5
** Quorate teleconferences: 4
* Physical meetings this quarter: 0
** Quorate physical meetings: 0

Deliverables: _(e.g., revised or new; you can optionally list details in sub-bullets)_

* Draft specifications produced this quarter: NN
* Reports produced this quarter: NN

Deadlines in the next quarter:

* Expiration of group leadership positions: _(e.g. annual chair election)_
* Deadlines listed in the group charter: _(e.g. duration expiration)_
* Group-imposed deadlines: _(e.g. date by which a report was intended to be published)_

Liaison activity updates:

* _(e.g. any notable cross-group activity)_

Other comments:

* _(any free-form comments)_