LC telecon 2011-03-02

LC telecon 2011-03-02

LC telecon 2011-03-02

Date and Time

  • Date: Wednesday, 2 Mar 2011
  • Time: note that this is the new time and length! 60 minutes at 13:00 PT | 16:00 ET | 21:00 UTC (time chart)


  1. Roll call
  2. Approval of 2011-02-09 minutes
  3. Action item review
  4. BoT matters
    1. Board of Trustee Liaison Sub-Committee and items to review
  5. WG/DG matters
    1. Examine status of dormant groups
    2. Discuss steps needed to handle group closures
    3. Roadmap status
  6. Events and meetings
    1. Berlin LC meeting agenda: who is attending? topics? half day/full day?
  7. AOB


Quorum is 7 of 12 as of 10 Nov 2010.

  1. Consumer ID WG: represented by Bob Pinheiro
  2. ID-WSF Evolution WG: represented by Peter Davis
  3. Privacy and Public Policy WG: represented by Jeff Stollman
  4. User-Managed Access WG: represented by Eve Maler
  5. Healthcare ID Assurance WG: represented by Pete Palmer
  6. eGov WG: represented by Colin Wallis or Fulup Ar Foll
  7. ULX WG: represented by Paul Trevithick
  8. Telecommunications Identity WG: represented by Jonas Hogberg
  9. Federation Interoperability WG: represented by John Bradley


  • Joni Brennan
  • Dervla O'Reilly


New AI summary




Send mail to Trent and Prateek checking on status of ICU, MtG, and Liberty Spec Maintenance groups.




Rename the shut-down groups so that they sediment to the bottom of the site's drop-down list.




ask the BoT how to handle the electronic assets of shut-down groups.

Roll call

Quorum was reached.

Approve 2011-02-09 minutes

MOTION: Eve moves, Jeff seconds:


Approve 2011-02-09 minutes.

PASSED by unanimous consent.

Action item review

  • 2011-02-02-1 Dervla Now closed Send demo/lab schedule to each DG/WG planning to attend meeting May 16-18 in Berlin, ask attendees for their top 5 demo/lab. Slate time on the agenda avoiding as much conflict as possible with DG/WG meeting times
  • 2011-02-02-2 Dervla & Joni Now closed Talk with Don Thibeau/OpenID to consider collaboration for a combined KI + OpenID Summit at Ping Identity's Cloud Identity Summit
  • 2010-10-19-1 John and Joni Open Spearhead the creation of a "Budget and Funding" guideline. Still pending.
  • 2010-10-19-2 Trent Open Explore with Staff how Confluence can be used to offer some sort of cross-group reporting that is useful and minimal impact on all involved. Trent plans to follow up with Dervla on this. Keep this open. Joni will ping Trent.
  • 2010-10-19-3 Trent OBE Shepherd the exploration of a "Sponsored Travel Fellowship Program" and circulate an updated draft describing the program to the LC list.
  • 2011-02-09-1 Eve Now closed Send out sample UMA "roadmap bullets" to the LC and ask for chairs to send in their own to Dervla.

BoT matters

  • There's a board call tomorrow.
  • In the last call they discussed a TMLA (trademark licensing agreement).
  • The board is looking to form a strategy subcommittee; a call for members was put out to the community in email. More will be done on this in Berlin.
  • The liaison committee has spun up. There are some urgent deadlines for submitting comments, e.g. today for ISO 29115. Joni and Colin have been rounding up champions for all the various documents.

WG/DG matters

The Concordia DG, Client WG, and Japan DG have no leadership and are functionally inactive, and the suggestion has been made for the LC to shut them down. There is an outstanding question and several ideas floating around about how to handle their "electronic assets", but shutdown doesn't depend on knowing how to do this.

Peter reports that the ID-WSF Evo WG had gotten quiet with the change in chair duties, and he hopes to spin up its activity in the next 30 days. John suggests a quick deliverable that explains ID-WSF Evo in the context of UMA, OpenID ABC, etc. Colin notes that eGov has recently seen presentations on existing ID-WSF implementations, and suggests explaining this context too.

We seem well past all the LC duties around dormancy checks in the group shutdown process guideline.

If Trent doesn't recommend keeping the ICU DG and Map the Gap DG open, and if Prateek doesn't recommend keeping the Liberty Spec Maintenance WG, we should consider shutting them down.

MOTION: Eve moves, Bob seconds:


Shut down the Concordia DG, Client WG, and Japan DG.

Discussion: "Concordia" as a name has some branding value, though it's not reasonable to trademark.

PASSED by unanimous consent.

Frank Villavicencio has stepped down as chair of the IAWG. Myisha will become chair, and they're doing elections for a vice-chair.

Roadmap status

Reminder: Please fill in your group roadmap items.

Events and meetings

Berlin LC meeting agenda: Early-bird registration is now open until Apr 14. There are 3-day and 1-day rates, and a discounted rate for independents and non-profits. Dervla, Joni, John, Jonas, and Colin will attend Berlin. Some are considering attending Munich as well.

For the Berlin meeting, the best scheduling option sounds like Monday, May 16, 3:15-5pm CET (time chart). Let's cancel the previous week's May 11 meeting, then.

Dervla is looking into the option of getting a bus to transport people between cities/events. The train option may be more flexible and similar cost.

ID collaboration day

John comments that it seemed to go well. There was a higher proportion of business folks than might have come to a regular IIW.

The IDDY awards were presented. NIH and Newcastle University won awards.

Trust framework efforts

A growing number of Kantara groups are undertaking various trust framework efforts, such as RP guidelines in the IAWG and a trust framework meta-model in the Interop group. Should IAWG be the central place putting these all together, or should IAWG stay focused on its own goals since it's already stretched? And what other communities should be involved, such as the ABA IdM Task Force? The current ad hoc liaison efforts have been good, but they don't scale well.

To be continued.

Next Meetings

  • Date: Wednesday, 16 Mar 2011
  • Time: 13:00 PT | 16:00 ET | 21:00 UTC (time chart)
  • Date: Wednesday, 30 Mar 2011
  • Time: 13:00 PT | 16:00 ET | 21:00 UTC (time chart)