LC telecon Minutes 2012-11-07
LC telecon 2012-11-07
Date and Time
- Date: Wednesday, 07 November 2012
- Time: 13:00 PT | 16:00 ET | 20:00 UTC (time chart)
- Call-in toll-free number: 1-866-203-0920
- Call-in number: 1-206-445-0056
- Conference Code: 5423695925#
- International Dial-In Numbers
- Roll Call
Allan Foster - FIWG, AIMWG
Myisha Frazier-McElveen - IAWG
Andrew Hughes - IAWG
Pete Palmer - LC Chair, HIAWG
Colin Soutar, LC Vice Chair, P3WG
Colin Wallis - eGovWG
Ingo Friese - TelcoID WG
Joni Brennan - Executive Director Staff Approve Minutes: LC telecon Minutes 2012-10-10
6 of 10 voters representingMotionID Motion Moved Second Discussion / Objection Status 20121107-01 Move to approve the LC telecon Minutes 2012-10-10 HIAWG FIWG No Objections APPROVED - Administration:
- Executive Director report
Events update sent to LC reflector on Nov 7, 2012.
Highlighted UMA WG Webinar for Higher Education scenarios has been uploaded (here).Action Item Review
MotionID Motion Moved Second Discussion / Objection Status 20121107-02 Move the Venn Diagram action to the LC-TF Sustainment discussion of LC P3WG FIWG Amendment: Strike from LC this item belongs in another section like the LC-TF Sustaiment track in strategic discussion of LC
No ObjectionsAPPROVED
- Quarterly Reports
Table off agenda and work with Heather for completion.
ACTION 20121107-01: Pete and Heather will work with WG chairs for update. - Votes
eGov revised Charter
Colin Wallis explained rationale for charter revisions. eGov WG was created with technical focus and drew technical and vendor audience. Space has moved to binding of technology to policy, support of IAF and Trust Frameworks. eGov WG works closely with the Federation Interoperability WG who are the stewards of SAML and other federation technology profiles and work with and from eGov input. The eGov WG sees no technical specification work on the forefront by may have reports ahead. Not required to say reports are included or expect but worth considering.
SUGGESTED and ACCEPTED amendment to draft charter to include section 4 that Reports may be developed as appropriate and identified by the eGov WG.
SUGGESTED and ACCEPTED liaisons via the Kantara Board of Trustee Liaison Sub-Committee
Noted that comments are purely for improvement and not reflective of objection.MotionID Motion Moved Second Discussion / Objection Status 20121107-03 Accept eGov revised charter with amendments as coptured in section 3-c-i of 2012-11-07 LC telecon. P3WG IAWG No Objections APPROVED
- Executive Director report