LC telecon Minutes 2013-08-28

LC telecon Minutes 2013-08-28

DRAFT minutes, pending

LC telecon 2013-08-28

Date and Time


  1. Roll Call
  2. Approve Minutes:  LC telecon Minutes 2013-08-14
  3. Administration:
    1. Note: Heather, Joni unavailable for next call (11 September 2013)
    2. Action Item Review
    3. Executive Director Report
    4. Voting and nominations
      1. LC leadership - call for nominations: Secretary (still no nominations)
  4. Discussion
    1. F2F planning for Nov 10, 11 in Vancouver, BC
    2. Internship status
    3. Marketing and Outreach
      1. Event Radar 2013 and 2014
  5. WG Updates
    1. Simple Status Reports
    2. WG recharter flag day - actions
  6. BoT Liaison Representative Update
  7. AOB
  8. Adjourn


  • Patrick Curry
  • Pete Palmer
  • Ingo Friese
  • John Bradley
  • Sal D'Agostino
  • Colin Wallis
  • Allan Foster

Quorum is 5 of 8 as of 22 May 2013.


  • Joni Brennan
  • Heather Flanagan (scribe)


  • Andrew Hughes
  • Eve Maler

Minutes & Notes

MotionIDMotionMovedSecondDiscussion / ObjectionStatus
M-20130828-01Motion to approve the minutes: LC telecon Minutes 2013-08-14Sal D'AgostinoIngo Frieseno discussion, objectionsPassed

Action Item Review


Assigned To




20130814-01Colin WallisOpenContact Peter Capek for any last edits to the PACColin completed his action, but no response from Peter
20130828-01Allan FosterNewReach out to local U. Washington office re: potential internship 


Executive Director report
  • Working with Resliant
  • Signed an MoU with EHNAC
  • Working on an MoU with DirectTrust; currently in progress in the HIAWG
  • Signed a liaison statement with the IDESG
  • ForgeRock has signed up officially as a Trustee-level member; that does mean we need a second LC rep on the Trustees since Allan will be participating on behalf of ForgeRock going forward
  • Planning another of other activities and events, including workshop adjacent to the SmartCard Alliance
  • MIT UMA Interop event scheduled for Oct 31-Nov1
  • Crowdtilt funding has gone over the edge for UMA development work - opensource web server plugin ; the IP will be managed under a vendor-neutral, non profit org
  • Side-event to RSA Europe; Joni will be reaching out to others on that
    • Patrick Curry will be at the RSA Europe conference
  • IETF 88 in Vancouver, BC, November 4-8
  • Kantara Plenary meeting November 10-11 in Vancouver BC; dates are locked in but venue TBD
  • Scott Shorter will be managing Kantara Liaison activities
Nominations & Elections
  1. Call for nominations: LC Secretary
    1. Pete still working on someone from MedAllies to nominate as Secretary


F2F planning for Nov 10, 11 in Vancouver, BC

  • Action items for all WG Chairs: Please ask your group, who is planning to attend?  What groups are seeking "air time"?
  • This time does conflict with the REFEDs meeting, but that is likely to only impact John Bradley (FIWG), Leif Johansson (ARB), Heather Flanagan

Internship status

  • has there been any outreach so far to everyone's respective networks? 
  • note that there is a court case in Europe that requires interns receive minimum wage for their work; in the US it does have to be substantially educational
  • most of the U.S. universities do have a for-credit work-study option, and it is relatively easy to go that route assuming the student can find a faculty member to sponsor it
    • we do have close contacts with various universities; can we approach people within those universities to see how we can help each other make this seem useful/viable
      • Allan to take this to a meeting with UW next week

Marketing and Outreach

WG Updates

  • reevaluated the charter and specifically identified both work items that needed to be done as well as people willing to do them
  • it appears that the step of going from no document to some document is particularly daunting, so hopefully by focusing on that will get us moving
  • No eGov update since last LC call; next call Monday
  • Took up the question re: charter; need to update the charter to reflect that we are now responsible for maintaining profiles like SAML2Int in eGov, which was not part of the original mandate
  • Also trying to provide feedback on some of the activity around MDX, which is not specifically a Kantara work but is related
  • Election process complete: Pete is Chair, Andrew is Vice-Chair; group is focused on DirectTrust MoU
  • No rep on the call
  • There has been an exchange on this re: the re-charter flag day; there is definitely a use for the work that has been done, and potentially more that could be done; biggest problem is resources, so currently discussing turning this in to a DG or having the group go dormant
  • Interop session Oct 31-Nov 1 at MIT
  • funding for the OpenID Connect component; do not have funding for the UMA part yet; this is not an UMA authN manager, it is the hooks for a protected resource to talk to UMA

BoT Liaison Report

  • approved the Electrosoft renewal
  • ISO 24760-3 identity federation clause has gone into the editors
  • planning our response to the ISO 29003 identity proofing doc
  • various MoU's in progress (see Exec Dir report)
  • looking at a consolidation of processing of invoices for the


Next meeting