2010-Q4 Report - Universal Login Experience Work Group

Reporting on: 2010 - Q1
Date Submitted: 27 Dec 2010

Group Name: ULX

Officer positions

  • Co-Chair: Philippe Clement
  • Co-Chair: Mike Graves
  • Co-Chair: Paul Trevithick
  • User Experience Architect: Valeska O'leary


  • Total Participants: 39
  • Voting Participants: 6
  • Total Email List Subscribers: (unknown)


  • Published Teleconference Frequency: weekly
  • Teleconferences held this Quarter: 6
  • Physical meetings held this quarter: 0


  • Draft specifications produced this quarter: 0
  • Reports produced this quarter: 0
  • We captured informal work on the wiki
  • We continued to refine the HTML/Javascript prototype "selector"

Deadlines in the next quarter

  • Expiration of group leadership positions: replacement of one co-chair
  • Deadlines listed in the group charter: none
  • Group-imposed deadlines: none

Liaison activity updates

  • None

Other Comments:

  • None