2009-Q4 Report - Universal Login Experience Work Group

Reporting on: 2009 - Q4
Date Submitted: 27 Dec 2010

Group Name: ULX

Chair Name: RL "Bob" Morgan, Mike Graves, Paul Trevithick
List other Officer positions and Names: <none>
List other Officer positions currently vacant: <none>

What are the active number of:
* Total Participants: 26
* Voting Participants: 11
* Non-Voting Participants: 15
* Total Email List Subscribers: [unknown]

Published Teleconference Frequency: weekly
Estimated Number of Teleconferences this Quarter: 7

Number of Official Meetings this Quarter: 3
Number of Unofficial (aka BOF) Meetings this Quarter: 4

Number of Draft Specifications Produced this Quarter: 0
Number of Reports Produced this Quarter: 0

Other Comments: