Leadership Council Teleconference - 2010-05-26
Leadership Council Teleconference - 2010-05-26
Minutes approved June 23, 2010
Kantara Leadership Council Teleconference
Date and Time
- Date: Wednesday, May 12, 2010
- Time: 9am PDT | 12pm EDT | 16:00 UTC (Time Chart)
- Teleconference Options:
- Skype: +9900827043671716
- US Dial-In: +1-201-793-9022 | Room Code: 3671716
- Skype calls are toll-free, and you do NOT need to enter the Room Code.
- International Numbers: http://kantara.atlassian.net/wiki/display/GI/Telco+Bridge+Info
- Contact the Chair if you cannot use Skype and need a toll-free phone number (US or international)
- Voting:
- Information Sharing: Joe Andrieu, Iain Henderson
- Telecommunications Identity: Jonas Hogberg
- Consumer ID: Bob Pinheiro
- Privacy and Public Policy: Jeff Stollman
- eGov: Colin Wallis
- ID Assurance: Rich Furr
- Federation Interoperability: John Bradley
- Liberty Spec Maintenance: Prateek Mishra
- Non-Voting:
- Identity Community Update: J. Trent Adams
- Map the Gap: J. Trent Adams
- Staff: Dervla O'Reilly
- Staff: Joni Brennan
- Staff: Anna Ticktin
- UMA: Eve Maler
- ID-WSF Evolution: Paul Madsen
- BoT Liaison: Vadim Lander
- Roll Call for Quorum Determination
- Approval of prior meeting minutes
- Action Items Review:
- ULX WG Charter Change - Staff
- FIWG Setup - Staff
- Update Group Reporting Template - Trent
- Post Group Shutdown Guidance Document in the LC wiki space - Trent
- Meet with the BoT Treasurer regarding external funding - Trent
- Update report document templates prior to elecontronic ballot - Staff
- Internet Identity Workshop Recap
- InfoSharing WG Request 1:
- Review: Full request with rationale (reference request 1)
- Summary: Asking the LC to allow Joe to receive the allocated funds for the InfoSharing WG "Use Cases Editor"
- NOTE: InfoSharing WG was allocated US$7,500 of the initially requested US$10,000 for a "Use Cases Editor" (reference email)
- InfoSharing WG Request 2:
- Review: Full request with rationale (reference request 2)
- Summary: Asking that the US$10,000 allocated for the creation of template legal agreements be re-allocated for development of an "Volunteered Personal Information Trust Framework".
- Reminder: Marketing Committee call about name and logo usage guidelines
- When: Tuesday, June 1 at 1pm PDT (Time Chart)
- Call-in details TBD
- Roll Call for Quorum Determination
- Quorum met with 8 of 15 voting members attending
- Approval of prior meeting minutes
- MOTION: To accept the minutes as recorded for Leadership Council Teleconference - 2010-05-12
- Moved by Colin, motion carries
- Added: Introduction of new staff: Anna Ticktin
- Working primarily in support of the programs
- Some general administrative and wiki support
- Reports to Joni, reachable via the "staff@" email address
- Action Items Review:
- ULX WG Charter Change - Staff
- Charter Updated
- IdP Selection work submitted to ULX WG
- Email sent to IdP Selection list to announce move
- FIWG Setup - Staff
- Wiki setup
- joining process set up
- list serve set up
- kick off call Wednesday, June 2
- Update Group Reporting Template - Trent
- All requested reports ready for approval
- Pending LC approval (via list or next call)
- Post Group Shutdown Guidance Document in the LC wiki space - Trent
- No update
- Meet with the BoT Treasurer regarding external funding - Trent
- Met with Lucy (BoT Treasurer) and current proposal is in line with BoT expectations.
- Need to ensure it addresses issues of:
- "self-dealing" - parties interested in receiving external funding recusing themselves from voting
- Ability of LC to re-balance funding given change in circumstances from initial budgeting process
- Handling of unused funds
- ACTION ITEM: Trent to author another pass at the current proposal and recirculate
- Update report document templates prior to electronic ballot - Staff
- All reports ready for LC approval.
- ULX WG Charter Change - Staff
- Internet Identity Workshop Recap
- Discussed multiple sessions on UMA and InfoSharing work
- Announced proposed European IIW in October prior to RSA in London
- InfoSharing WG Request 1:
- Review: Full request with rationale (reference request 1)
- Summary: Asking the LC to allow Joe to receive the allocated funds for the InfoSharing WG "Use Cases Editor"
- NOTE: InfoSharing WG was allocated US$7,500 of the initially requested US$10,000 for a "Use Cases Editor" (reference email)
- Background: InfoSharing WG looked for an independent contractor, but were unable to find one that could do the work within the budget and timeframe.
- Noted that there is a precedent for this in the IAWG work.
- MOTION: To allow release of the funds in the sum of US$7,500 previously allocated in the 2010 budget for payment to Joe Andrieu for payment of services as the Use Cases editor, with the provision that he recuse himself from voting on issues relating to the allocation of the funds and that the WG submit to LC information on steps taken.
- Moved by Jeff, seconded by Bob
- Motion carries
- InfoSharing WG Request 2:
- Review: Full request with rationale (reference request 2)
- Summary: Asking that the US$10,000 allocated for the creation of template legal agreements be re-allocated for development of a "Volunteered Personal Information Trust Framework".
- Noted that the UK Central Government is providing matching funds for projects and this would provide legitimacy to the work.
- MyDex will be applying for a grant to develop a working trust framework
- Application Deadline: June 17
- Request: The LC would like to see a statement provided by InfoSharing WG explaining how the previously allocated funds would be applied to support the application
- MOTION: The LC sees value in allowing the US$10,000 of funds allocated to the InfoSharing WG during the 2010 budgeting process for the development of Legal templates being used within the pool of matched funds within the MyDex proposal for the UK Central Government "Trusted Services COMPETITION FOR COLLABORATIVE R&D AND FAST-TRACK FUNDING" program, with the provision that the InfoSharing WG provide a clear description of how the funds will be spent specifically on the template legal agreements and associated research supporting the sharing of "volunteered personal information".
- Moved by Bob, seconded by Colin
- Motioned carried
- Reminder: Marketing Committee call about name and logo usage guidelines
- When: Tuesday, June 1 at 1pm PDT (Time Chart)
- Call-in details TBD
Next Teleconference
- Date: Wednesday, June 9, 2010
- Time: 3pm PDT | 6pm EDT | 22:00 UTC (Time Chart)
- Teleconference Options:
- Skype: +9900827043671716
- US Dial-In: +1-201-793-9022 | Room Code: 3671716
- Skype calls are toll-free, and you do NOT need to enter the Room Code.
- International Numbers: http://kantara.atlassian.net/wiki/display/GI/Telco+Bridge+Info
- Contact the Chair if you cannot use Skype and need a toll-free phone number (US or international)
, multiple selections available,