Leadership Council Meeting - 2010-10-19
Leadership Council Meeting - 2010-10-19
Quorum Not Met - Notes Read into Minutes on November 10,2010
Kantara Leadership Council Teleconference
Date and Time
- Date: Tuesday, October 19, 2010
- Time: 8:30 UTC (Time Chart)
- Location: Orange-FT at 38 rue du General Leclerc 92794 Issy-les-Moulineaux
- Chair: J. Trent Adams
- eGov WG / Vice Chair: Colin Wallis
- Federation Interop: John Bradley
- ULX WG: Paul Trevithick
- ULX WG: Phillipe Clement
- P3WG: Mark Lizar
- 2011 Budget Evaluation
- Solidify Funded Activity Guidelines
- Cross-Group Synchronization Process
- Marketing / Outreach Opportunities
- Membership Recruiting
- Volunteer Fellowship Program
- Future Meetings (Virtual Support)
- Officer Elections
- NOTE: Quorum requirements not met. Meeting treated as a discussion with no motions to be made.
- Review Funded Activity Guidelines
- Consensus of the LC is not to fund Participants out of the organization budget.
- There have been situations in which a funded group attempted to find outside contractors and the LC has permitted a Participant to receive funding, as long as:
- The WG made good faith best efforts to find a non-Participant to do the work.
- The WG submitted to LC a comprehensive description of steps taken to find a non-Participant to do the work.
- The LC agreed that the WG evaluated all of its options to find a non-Participant to do the work.
- The funded Participant reuses himself/herself from all votes relating to the funded activity
- There have been no situations in which the LC has approved a request for organization funds to support travel by a Participant.
- There have been instances where Member organizations have directly contributed funding for Members and Staff to travel to specific events.
- These situations were handled on a case-by-case basis with the Member asking the Member Organization directly, then coordinating the contribution via the BoT Treasurer.
- It was suggested that a comprehensive "Budget and Funding" guideline similar to (and including) the "External Funding Guideline" be developed by the LC.
- ACTION ITEM: TBD to spearhead the creation of a "Budget and Funding" guideline. Volunteers?
- 2011 Budget Evaluation
- Budget allocation requests received prior to the meeting and discussed:
- Continue UX Mock-Up Development - $5,000.00
- This is a follow-on to 2010 funding for $10,000 to develop initial UX mock-ups.
- Spent only about $5,000 in 2010.
- Continue UX Mock-Up Development - $5,000.00
- P3WG:
- IAPP Workshop in March 2011 - $10,000.00
- Rationale as presented it primarily for membership recruiting
- Question: Why is this more expensive than the other two requested meetings?
- What is the major theme of the event and is there any other expected output than membership recruiting?
- Privacy summit during the NIST IDTrust workshop in March 2011 - $4,000.00
- Same month as IAPP request
- Question: What is the theme of the event and expected output?
- Privacy event during the Burton Europe event in Summer 2011 - $4,000.00
- Question: What will be the driving theme and expected output of the event?
- Perform audit of current KI work and programs for policy and privacy impacts. - $4,000.00
- Rationale: In support of Trust Frameworks
- Question: Why will this cost $4,000 (or anything at all)?
- IAPP Workshop in March 2011 - $10,000.00
- Healthcare ID WG - $10,000.00
- Patient ID Portal: Phase 2
- Follow-on to 2010 funding for $20,000 received by OpenID Japan for Phase 1
- Note: Presumed contractor is e-Citizen
- Patient ID Portal: Phase 2
- Japan WG:
- Translate Kantara IAF into Japanese - $29,000.00
- Made up of:
- Service Assessment Criteria Document - $14,000
- Glossary - $2,000
- Other 6 documents - $13,000
- Question: Can we verify that the proposed cost for translation is reasonable?
- Question: Is there a way to explore how a Japanese version of the IAF may impact adoption?
- Made up of:
- Translate General Press Releases (10 translations) - $2,000
- Note: Assuming that this is to translate generic press releases (i.e. not specifically KI releases) for the Japanese audiences.
- Event Support: Database Management (3 events) - $13,000.00
- Question: Why does this appear to be such a large expense?
- Event Support: Management and Reception (3 events) - $8,000.00
- Question: Why does this appear to be a low expense: $2,667 each?
- Translate Kantara IAF into Japanese - $29,000.00
- Federation Interoperability WG:
- Interoperability Event Support - $5,000
- Rationale: Periodic testing events are key to successfully proving interoperability. It makes it difficult to support the effort without allocating budget to run them.
- Question: Is this for a single event in 2011, or multiple events?
- Question: Would this be used to host an event, or help sponsor an event hosted by another organization?
- Testing, Prototype, and Tools Hosting / Support - $5,000
- Description: Setting up of a server that can be used as an ongoing test bed for various interoperability situations.
- Rationale: Unless a dedicated server is running in a stable environment over time, it is very difficult to reliably test interoperability. Constantly varying conditions make it difficult to home in on issues needing to be addressed.
- Question: Can this be hosted within the current Kantara IT environment?
- Answer: We need to check with KI staff, but it is likely we would need to stand up a separate server with the ability to provision various access according to testing roles.
- Answer: We might explore whether a member organization or other outside contributor would donate a dedicated solution.
- Interoperability Event Support - $5,000
- Budget allocation requests received after the meeting
- NOTE: The following requests were received after the meeting and were not discussed, though they are included here for completeness.
- Identity Assurance WG:
- SAC Document Update - $33,000
- Profile Document Creation and Update - $16,000
- RP Guidelines for Parties Relying on Recognized CSP Services - $44,000
- Support to ISO JTC1 SC27 Liaison (2 meetings in 2011) - $18,000
- InfoSharing WG:
- Develop Sharing Agreements Supporting Trust Frameworks - $15,000
- Healthcare Identity Assurance WG:
- Patient ID Portal: Phase 2 - $10,000
- ACTION ITEM: Trent to aggregate all budget allocation requests into a single document to simplify review.
- ACTION ITEM: Trent to discuss with the BoT the next steps in the process through the BoT Budget Preparation Committee
- Budget allocation requests received prior to the meeting and discussed:
- Cross-Group Synchronization Process
- Discussion: There is a general need for Kantara WGs to remain in sync with each other. How can this be effectively accomplished?
- Suggestion: Each group holds a monthly briefing call, inviting all groups to participate.
- Comment: That may become overwhelming as it would mean 12 more calls per month (3 per week)
- Suggestion: Leverage the LC calls for each group to provide an update.
- Comment: This has been tried (and failed) in two different ways: each group gets a few minutes (hard to enforce quickness), and one group selected per call (hard to maintain).
- Suggestion: Hold the group update calls during the LC off-week rather than during the standard calls.
- Comment: This may be worth pursuing to see if there is interest.
- Suggestion: Each group report it's minutes via a common mechanism (e.g. email or RSS feed of posts) so that others can subscribe to this "summary" rather than to the complete list (and full discussion)
- Comment: This is getting closer to being manageable, but minutes may still be too much detail to be quickly parsed.
- Comment: Quality of minutes varies greatly across groups and unless improved may not be assumed to be helpful.
- Suggestion: Each group reports out it's motions and action items in a simple feed (e.g. email or RSS)
- Comment: This suggestion was the most well received.
- Comment: To work, each group will need to be diligent in recording them in a common format and avoid using group-specific terms.
- Suggestion: Each group holds a monthly briefing call, inviting all groups to participate.
- Consensus: To explore a mechanism to support simple reporting of motions, action items, and (potentially) summary comments.
- ACTION ITEM: Trent to explore with Staff how Confluence can be used to offer some sort of cross-group reporting that is useful and minimal impact on all involved.
- Discussion: There is a general need for Kantara WGs to remain in sync with each other. How can this be effectively accomplished?
- Marketing / Outreach Opportunities
- Discussion: While the organization itself (driven by the BoT and Programs) produces press releases of strategic interest, how can the work of groups be more effectively promoted?
- Suggestion: More involvement by the groups in the marketing conversations.
- Comment: To join the calls, send a note to Staff asking when the calls are being held (generally every two weeks on Tuesday). Everyone is welcome.
- Comment: The marketing effort would also benefit by Member Organizations contributing time by their internal marketing groups to provide guidance and assistance.
- Suggestion: Groups submitting bottom-up driven "marketable" events will help the overall marketing effort.
- Comment: For example, if a group submits comments to a paper or event (e.g. the P3WG submitting comments in response to a request by ITAC in support of the IGF), KI may want to send out a press release (or related feed).
- Comment: To be valuable, the groups need to always be thinking about whether a work item is likely to be valuable for promotion.
- Comment: It might make sense for the group leadership to err on the side of "over-promotion" and suggest more to the marketing committee and let them triage the inbound requests for promotion.
- Comment: The earlier discussion about "cross-group synchronization" may have a beneficial side-effect of being a feed of information to the marketing committee.
- Comment: Everyone should be already blogging and tweeting work in the groups... but that is something each group/leadership/person will have to do on their own and is hard to effectively coordinate.
- Suggestion: Whenever a Participant considers attending a conference, they should always think "is there something I can present from my WG?" (this would go doubly for WG leadership)
- Comment: This might not always be possible, but is worth keeping in mind.
- Comment: Great idea, but Participants don't always have the funds to justify the travel.
- Suggestion: The LC should explore the possibility of setting up a "Sponsored Travel Fellowship" to help defray the cost when a Participant is speaking on behalf of their WG.
- Suggestion: More involvement by the groups in the marketing conversations.
- Consensus: Groups need to take more responsibility for communicating marketable events to the marketing committee.
- ACTION ITEM: Trent to shepherd the exploration of a "Sponsored Travel Fellowship Program" (see subsequent topic item and associated action item below).
- Discussion: While the organization itself (driven by the BoT and Programs) produces press releases of strategic interest, how can the work of groups be more effectively promoted?
- Membership Recruiting
- Discussion: As there is no coordinated membership recruiting campaign for the organization, how can the LC help attract new members?
- Comment: Nothing attracts new members like producing real work, and the organization is starting to build traction.
- Comment: While outside the direct control of the LC, recruiting would benefit by improved "high level" communication on the website.
- Comment: The best way for the LC to support recruiting efforts is by supporting outreach marketing opportunities (as discussed earlier)
- Discussion: As there is no coordinated membership recruiting campaign for the organization, how can the LC help attract new members?
- Fellowship Programs:
- Volunteer Fellowship
- The program continues to see support in the LC, and the next draft needs to be circulated
- ACTION ITEM: Trent to circulate an updated draft describing he program to the LC list.
- Sponsored Travel Fellowship
- Suggestion: To explore setting up a new fellowship program to support Participants traveling to events at which they are representing Kantara (in whole or on behalf of a group)
- Discussion: How can the LC help Participants off-set travel expenses to applicable events?
- Comment: There needs to be a clear line drawn between this sponsorship and activities directly associated with the organization.
- Comment: It's possible that everyone will apply for funding to all events.
- Suggestion: In order to limit the number of applications, perhaps each WG (and possibly not applicable to DGs) has an allowed number of events or budget limit, for which it can apply.
- Question: Is that an artificial limit? What if one group is legitimately more visible than others, shouldn't it get an associated increase in the allocation?
- Suggestion: Rather than a set dollar value associated with each trip (e.g. $500), perhaps it makes sense to limit the award to a percentage (e.g. 80%) of travel and event registration fees.
- Comment: This would encourage everyone from having some "skin in the game" but not covering all their expenses.
- Comment: It might be more equitable for foreign travel that tends to be more expensive than traveling domestically (or regionally).
- Question: How would the fellowship be awarded?
- Suggestion: The LC could have a fund in 2011 that they could spend down in reply to requests by WG Members
- Question: Should it be limited to Members, or be available to Participants, too?
- Comment: This could be limited to Members and used as a rationale as a benefit to becoming a Member.
- Comment: Limiting it to Members would also help to minimize the number of applicants to a reasonable number.
- Question: Should it be limited to Members, or be available to Participants, too?
- Question: What criteria would the LC use to differentiate between a reasonable event to fund, and one that's not an effective spend?
- Suggestion: It would help to limit the applicability to giving a formal talk (i.e. not just attending).
- Suggestion: Perhaps the estimated size of the audience (e.g. based on previous years?) could be a limitation (e.g. > 150 attendees in the talk / session).
- Suggestion: The LC could have a fund in 2011 that they could spend down in reply to requests by WG Members
- Question: How would this be funded?
- Answer: The LC can bring it up to the BoT for further exploration. It can easily be seen as an effective marketing/outreach program and worth an allocation.
- ACTION ITEM: Trent to ask the BoT to allocate on the order of $10,000 to be spent by the LC in 2011 on Member (i.e. not Participant) travel to help defray the costs incurred (up to a percentage) of giving talks at events with attendance above a minimum threshold (e.g. > 150 attendees).
- Volunteer Fellowship
- Future Meetings (Virtual Support)
- Discussion: Would it help for future Kantara meetings to offer support for virtual attendees?
- Comment: Isn't that what groups do now anyway with teleconferences and tools like Etherpad?
- Answer: Yes, to varying degrees to varying success in various groups: there's no one-size-fits-all model.
- Comment: Each group meeting in Paris offered the teleconference line for remote participants, and it was only minimally used.
- Comment: Remote participants can be distractions (when fiddling with the technology to support them).
- Comment: Remote participants can't participate to the same degree as physical participants
- Comment: Remote participation requires effective chairing in the physical room to be effective.
- Comment: Remote participation with cameras in the physical room (to cue off of visual clues) are key (and the reverse is true: seeing the remote participants helps)
- Comment: It is likely to work for some groups and not others, and (assuming no cost) it is worth exploring if someone is interested.
- Consensus: Experience in the room is that having to cater to too many non-physical attendees can have an adverse effect on the efficiency and effectiveness of a meeting, but that it is worth trying on a limited scale with a particularly active group.
- ACTION ITEM: TBD to lead an effort to set up a reasonable test of a virtualized meeting for an active group. Volunteers?
- Officer Elections
- Quorum was not met, delaying the officer election to the next teleconference.
- Meeting adjourned at 13:00 UTC
Next Teleconference
- Date: Wednesday, October 27, 2010
- Time: 3pm PDT | 6pm EDT | 22:00 UTC (Time Chart)
- Teleconference Options:
- Skype: +9900827043671716
- US Dial-In: +1-201-793-9022 | Room Code: 3671716
- Skype calls are toll-free, and you do NOT need to enter the Room Code.
- International Numbers: http://kantara.atlassian.net/wiki/display/GI/Telco+Bridge+Info
- Contact the Chair if you cannot use Skype and need a toll-free phone number (US or international)
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